Which would you recommend?

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anybody has read / listened to / watched a property related book, CD or DVD lately that they feel was a real cut-above-the-rest.

The reason is I'm always on the look out for the best titles that are available, not just for my business but as part of my ongoing self-development program because I feel there's no substitute for quality information.

So if you have come across something in the last, say 6 - 12 months that you feel was really awesome, then I'd appreciate it if you could list it here along with a short explanation as to why you feel that way about it.

Thanks heaps
Maybe if you bother searching and reading the forum for yourself you'd be able to find that out for yourself.

I don't mind giving advise to someone who is genuinely interested in learning for their own benifit , but if someone who is promoting their own business ( which implies they have some knowledge of property investing ) want's to come along and Cherry pick the combined wisdom of this forum for their own financial gain..... well .... XXXX off.

See Change
Man of action !, how does your lifetime guarantee on books work ?

No Risk Selection
Everything you order comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Even if you have read the book, highlighted your favorite paragraphs, dog eared the pages and made money from what you have learned, you can still return it if you are not 100% delighted with your selection. Try that with your local shop!
Hi Learning Man,

It's pretty simple, if you buy something and you dont like it, send it back and you get your money back.

Lifetime of the purchase or lifetime of you... which ever comes first. :)

The wonderful thing is that most people are pretty honest and so far only one person has done the "rip-off" - returning a product they deliberately destroyed and asked for a full refund. But I guess that's where they are in life at this point of time so I didn't lose any sleep over it!

Hi See Change,

Sorry you feel that way. No offense taken as I'm glad to you feel strongly about the integrity of the forum. Feel free to call me directly if you want to discuss it further :)