Who owns the photos?

Many of our clients request agency copyright/watermark simply to prevent images from being used by other agencies, however agents who pay for professional photography generally dislike images being poached by free listing/marketing agents who at times swipe professional images off the web and use for their own advertising.
We do usually maintain copyright however authorize unlimited marketing for the sole agency. We respect agents needs to provide images to mixed media and and are flexible in it's reproduction because of the nature of the industry.
If on occasion an individual vendor request our services directly then we are happy for them to reuse with various agencies.
Most of us are quite flexible and don't spend all day searching for copyright breaches because if your images are great it will sell the first time......;)
Prestige Property Pics
Just to mix it up a bit more then.....the person who took the photos belonged to the same agency as the agent who listed the property.

From what Piston Broke linked I don't see how its a problem, the photo's are most likely owned by the agency.