Who pays for repair? Landlord/tenant?

On related note, what about stains on carpet. Scenario, tenant vacates after two years, prior to which carpet was new, only to find a number of big red stains on carpet

(In Vic) Tenant neeeds to pay for it to be professionally cleaned out on exit or money taken from the bond to do the same.

The Y-man
On related note, what about stains on carpet. Scenario, tenant vacates after two years, prior to which carpet was new, only to find a number of big red stains on carpet

they had carpets steam cleaned. Stain remains unfortunately. Just not sure what is fair wear and tear.

Two year old carpet with only one tenancy probably wouldn't fall under fair wear and tear. Although, it depends who you ask.

You can claim a % of the replacement costs to go towards full replacement if there's only a few minor stains, if they are very large and cover the majority of the room you may be able to claim full replacement costs - May.

You'll need to get a quote first and go from there.
That's what it comes down to. May.

Oh well thinking about ripping it up and plodding the boards anyway.

Realo took the case to the tribunal and got knocked back.

Do landlords normally head along with Realo to tribunal?
Yes, may. Unfortunately the system is not very landlord friendly at times.

You can go along with the agent if you choose, most will recommend you don't go (I would recommend landlord's don't, especially if it was or is to be a PPOR as emotions can get in the way).

So your agent has already attended and didn't get a cent in compensation?
So your agent has already attended and didn't get a cent in compensation?

Unfortunately yes.

WE had other claims - tenants moved out couple of days later than agreed to (paid extra rent) and also left a bit messy so cleaner which PM got in was paid for - but they got most of the bond back.

C'est la vie
C'est la vie


At least you managed to get some compensation. I've seen agents get torn through by the member - even when the tenants are clearly in the wrong (as in arrears, usually). Then again I have seen some members absolutely scream at tenants for being so stupid and award the landlord stupid amounts that they probably didn't deserve.

Win some, you lose some.

Apologies to the OP, kinda just hijacked your thread!
landlords accompanying agent to Tribunal

A landlord should always accompany an agent to a Tribunal hearing (that's if you are not doing it yourself). I have seen agents handle hearings appallingly incompetently, and I have seen very capable agents doing a professional job. A lot of these matters are settled which means negotiations are being had. If you aren't there, you don't know what concessions are being made on your behalf, what offers are being made, and how your agent is performing.
Turk - Steam cleaning is a little of a myth, yes. Most of the time you will be awarded costs of steam cleaning at tribunal, however the tenant is not *technically* required to have it done.
Turk - Steam cleaning is a little of a myth, yes. Most of the time you will be awarded costs of steam cleaning at tribunal, however the tenant is not *technically* required to have it done.

Is this like being a little bit pregnant?

If you took a tenant to VCAT for not steam cleaning a carpet and the tenant
proved that it was clean the claim would be thrown out.
I'd look at risk v reward when it comes to such minor repairs

Reward: Save a few dollars on a toilet seat?

Risk: Disgruntled tenant returns and puts a brick through your window or similar..

I know what I'd be doing.