"Women Were Designed for Homemaking"

Well if it is on the internet it must be right!

Take a look
here for a laugh

Here is a couple of well researched topics:

2nd Place: "Women Were Designed For Homemaking"

Jonathan Goode (grade 7) applied findings from many fields of science to support his conclusion that God designed women for homemaking: physics shows that women have a lower center of gravity than men, making them more suited to carrying groceries and laundry baskets; biology shows that women were designed to carry un-born babies in their wombs and to feed born babies milk, making them the natural choice for child rearing; social sciences show that the wages for women workers are lower than for normal workers, meaning that they are unable to work as well and thus earn equal pay; and exegetics shows that God created Eve as a companion for Adam, not as a co-worker.

...biology shows that women where designed to carry un-born babies. No sh.t Sherlock :D

Next time I fall on my head carrying the shopping, I can blame my wife, the simple fact is that I was not built to perform that job! She seems to believe that I was built big strong and dumb for the express purpose of carrying the shopping!...now I have (creation)science on my side :D

1st Place: "My Uncle Is A Man Named Steve (Not A Monkey)"
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Shock Horror, Bananas Maligned

But the real story was that this clown Steve refused to eat a banana. :eek: :eek:

Idiot! Doesn't he know that bananas are God's own fruit and are grown in abundance in God's own country, Queensland?

Mmm, steve declines offer of banana, therefore is not a monkey. An amazing mind at work.

Sorry, having a look at some of the other stuff on there it seems all have a great grasp of science...Not! ( I shake my head).
Lplate; unfortunately I have scientific proof that Queenslanders have a lower IQ to body mass, thus clearly designed by God to serve us Southern born nobility, particularly those Melbourne breed, God's city in God's country :D

So if you dont mind my lowly attendant Lplate bring me a banana shake with extra ice-cream, afterwards wash my car, clean the toliet and remove the lice from my hair (you may eat any you find) :p
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This site proves conclusively that Creationist Christians are a different species to Homo Sapiens.

Their thought processes are so different to those of Homo Sapiens that any biological resemblance must be purely cosmetic.



I've always found it interesting how so many belief systems appear so different on the surface, and yet underneath have so many similarities.
For example, one of the biggest arguments against creationism is the whole "how did God get here" question, which is usually answered by "he's always been here" - and the answer is laughed at.
And yet with evolution, you could really ask the same question - "how did the swirling cauldron of gases etc that theoretically set off the big bang - get here?", and really the only answer is "it's always been there (although perhaps in various forms)".
In the end, there are things that human minds will never be able to comprehend or answer.
Personally I don't see why the two theories of creationism and evolution can't exist side by side to a great extent - maybe God created everything originally, although perhaps not in the form we know it today, then evolution took over! :p

A swirling cauldron of gases didn't set off the Big Bang. Read "The first three minutes" (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0465024378/103-6711382-9393429) to gain a better understanding in layman terms of what current scientific thought theorises happened.

Certainly there is a level of truth in that not all questions are answered either in Creationism or science, however this is a thin layer of similarity.

Creationism states, don't question - have faith. That approach resulted in the Dark Age and virtual sessation of innovation and progress.

Science is interested in asking questions and finding out answers. The scientific process has led to every technology we use in the modern world and the depth of understanding and appreciation we have for ourselves and the world around us.

Science isn't a belief system - science is a questioning system where every theory needs to be proven and reproven before it's accepted as fact. Even evolution still only qualifies as a theory, as does the Big Bang...both are theories that have stood up to rigorous testing to-date, however tomorrow a scientist somewhere in the world might come up with a better theory.

But your ultimate point is correct - there's certainly nothing in science that disproves the existence of one - or many - gods...nor need there be.

Einstein was a scientist who also believed in god, the Jewish god, so do many other scientists. However they do NOT worship a god that wishes humans to blindly believe, but a god that wishes humans to grow and learn - to appreicate and understand the beauty and complexity of the universe that their god created rather than simply accept it and look inwards for our own personal salvation.

Personally I don't believe in any god, but if I had to choose one to believe in, it would be one who wishes us to worship by learning and appreciating the universe they created rather than one that wishes us to cower in ignorance under fear of punishment.


Acey, sometimes you amaze me, I just bet you make a habit of straightening up other peoples crookedly hung pictures. :p

...Lissy I got what you where trying to say.