I'd never heard him before todays ad on the radio, but supposedly he's coming to Perth to promote his Positive Cashflow Course and how to earn $9,000.00p/mth from real estate...

Searches on google (John Reeds site and programecritique gave a bit more info)
Wright Thurston did the "Ozzie" tour about 5 years ago and was on in Sydney with Hans Jacobi and launching the "Melaluca" MLM program. Basically you will probably hear wraps and vendor financing presented. From memory he is an ex IBM manager sent to Alaska who made good and hit the seminar circuit!!! with marketing programs!?!?!?
Thurston Wright

Mate I went and saw him a few years ago at a free 'seminar' in Perth. I can honestly say from the moment I got there to the moment I walked out was the biggest waste of time in my life.
I knew nothing about property investing at the time, and I could see the guy was a snake from a mile away. He was throwing the dirtiest tricks around, from very questionable 'actual figures' to him putting copies of cheques on the projector - "This is the $80,000US cheque the bank GAVE me because I purchased a block of units. They are so appreciative that I am providing low cost housing to people they gave me this cheque". No mention of the fact that all he had done was refinance equity, and that he actually paid the cheque back.
Then the sales pitch - oh my goodness. "ill tell you what Im going to do, if you run up the back of the room to the product table now, I will tell my assistants to give you both packs for the price of one. And Ill tell you what else, I will give you my own private telephone number. you can ring me any time of the day or not and I will give you my expert advice on any issue - but dont ring me on a Sunday, that is the day we go to church!!".
Although I was feeling ill at the sales pitch, it was tragic to see so many people throwing money at this guys products. People you could see who could barely afford their rent, much less thousands of dollars on property investing products were throwing their credit cards at the table!