Your Scariest Moment/s

Reading Geoffw's thread on skydiving had me thinking what have been your scariest moment/s

Jumping out of a perfectly good plane would be mine (yet to do it).

Falling out of a tall tree and luckily grabbing a branch on the way down to slow my fall

I admit to being spooked when diving/working in low visibility water and coming across a huge manta ray who had chunks taken out of it and was bleeding in the water and then a few secs later having the tail of a huge shark wave in front of me

Another shark event would be when a work mate was taken by a shark (believed to be a tiger shark), we searched without joy, only finding some pieces of equipment

At night, looking at a creek you've swum across during the day and working out how many croc's are in the water due to the eye's you can count in the torchlight

Waking up on your back after you've taken a kick from electricity (note - electricity bites).

I still have the scars on my hand of a fight where the other guy pulled a knife - remind's me of the "this close" quote, I misjudged and didn't catch the wrist, end result is a nice scar on my thumb

Other events not named to protect the guilty and avoid a law suit :D

Nowadays, I worry more about my kids than myself

What have been you scary moments :confused:
Diving in Fiji recently. I decided to circumnavigate a large (100m) reef solo.

Was enjoying swimming next to a large shoal of barracuda, when I looked around and discovered that an 8 foot hammerhead shark was only a few meters behind me and closing.

When he realised I'd seen him, he turned tail but there was a few moments when my heart stopped. Some fear, but a lot of awe. The worst part is I didn't have a camera with me.

About 12 months ago we were on a training dive at 55m when my buddy had a genuine "out of air" emergency. The team handled it quite well, but not a good thing to happen that deep. I initially thought it was another drill!

Driving a home made fire truck when I was 15 in front of a modest bushfire with Dad manning the pumps. Smoke, noise, heat, unable to see anything but you can hear and feel it coming.

Some of the scariest moments are the worst, but some are the best.
I can't really think of any. Although, as kids we used to ride the surfboard down the back stairs until my brother put his foot out on the concrete and he ended up with his bone sticking out.

And we used to try jumping off the roof of our high-set house using garbage bags as parachutes.

I feel sorry for my dad, single dad with 3 kids. I don't know how he didn't have a heart attack.

But I couldn't read and not reply about your missing work mate. How terribly sad. That must have just been (and still be) awful.

Actually I do have a scary moment.

We got broken in to when one night when my husband was at work and I was home alone and the man cut my cheek open with a knife when I reached for my phone. That was really scary! Thankfully he was caught and charged. But now, I'm the kind of person that when I'm home alone at night (which is often) every light on the house is on. Our friend's say we're like the beacon at the top of the hill, ha ha. That night made me realise just how weak I am... I then took up boxing.

Interested to hear other's. I'm not very adventurous!
Fell off the roof of 2 story house (6.5m fall).

It was more of a slide from about 4m further up the steep colourbond roof, knowing I couldnt stop, I prepared for taking flight.
Intended to do the old "hit n roll" we used to do jumping out of trees as kids.

Well no, from that height you just smack the ground hard.:(

I was confident of staying alive but resigned to smashed ankles or broken legs.

However, only ended up with three finger tips slashed open on a gutter clip that poped up, and a very sore back from the initial contact with ground, and sore front as I ended up fully face down.

Think the guys on the 1st floor were more scared than me when they saw a body flying over their heads and then laying face down motionless.

Where I landed, the day before they removed the old concrete driveway.

Had my Uncle's funeral to go to later that day.

yet, Im quite happy jumping out of a ricketty old plane.:confused:
Fell off the roof of 2 story house (6.5m fall).
Not so much a "scary" moment, but similar to you; when I was 5 years old I jumped off the garage roof thinking I was Superman and I could fly....

I remember the jump, and I remember being carried into the Hospital from the car by my mother, but nothing in between; or after the doctor visit.


Scariest moment was probably having to get stitches in a finger at aged 7...spilt it open after getting it stuck in the car door (door was closed on it accidentally).

Standing on the platform of the Bungee at "Clipper's Canyon" in NZ was up there as scariest as well.
I think they over exaggerated it for 15 mins of fame

Standing on a piece of glass 105 floors up and hearing it crack and seeing it cracking... I don't think so :D.

Knowing afterwards it was only the top layer that cracked wouldn't have helped at the time.
Have had a few...
7.3 earthquake in West Indies when we lived there. I was picking kids up from school so thankfully wasn't in the car while watching them swerving all over the road! Instead, I stood outside the school building with 2 of my kids and watched the whole building rocking,plaster falling off the ceilings and minor cracks, while 2 of my kids were in the upstairs classrooms. So much damage, got home to glasses and bottles all over the house, pictures lamps etc everywhere and locals screaming god has cast us down for our evil. No one was hurt but really weird how adrenaline in situations that are scary, give you a rush of excitement once you and yours are safe.

While living back in Ireland for a couple of years. My then 2 yr old used to scale everything, I had a new carpet rolled up ready to lay under a window. I was scrubbing out the ensuite in the master and she went quite, looked into the room and she was standing on the window ledge with the window wide open. Terrified to call out to her in case she got startled and fell out. Took my shoes off really quickly and slid across the wooden floors to grab her....heart raced for the whole day just thinking what might have happened.

When I was 16, living in the countryside (ireland) we got very bored and got up to all sorts ...we tied an old bonnet off a vw beetle to the back of a ute, some of us, me included stood up in the back of the ute, and 4 of the guys got on the upturned bonnet. It was winter, roads like glass and snow drifts everywhere along the ditches. 60 Miles an hour down the road, bonnet/sleigh sliding everywhere, driver braked hard and everyone came tumbling off the ute and the guys on the bonnet just disappeared. Found 3 easily enough but spent what seemed like ages digging the last one out of the drift he got buried in. We were so stupid in those days!
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Have had a few in my life too

2011 Japan Tsunami, luckily we walked away un-harmed
However, for the next few days, we felt like refugees in a foreign country
Imagine walking into a supermarket with no food or supply on shelf :eek:

Went on a ride with a friend few years ago.
Can't remember the name, but its one for those that shoots you up in the air
While at mid air, the safety buckle broke and there is a loud crack
By this point, we were holding onto our dear life...

Been in many sticky situations with people in general..
Some I would consider them as "dangerous"
Talking about getting married and having kids with my girlfriend at the time.

Actually, talking about getting married and having kids with anyone, at any time is scary.
when i was 7 i plugged an extension cord into a power socket. i had cut the other end off to see what would happen. didn't realise the end was behind me. it actually 'sat up' off the ground like a snake and stuck me in the back. i guess when you're 7, you don't weigh much - because it threw me across the room. i remember having a hard time breathing after that.

choking on a ham sandwich - a la Janis Joplin. knowing i couldn't breathe and nothing was working. i fell down from being light headed and hit my stomach on the arm of the couch and *pop* - out it came.

falling out of a tree and staring at a starpicket coming up at me. rolled at the last second only to feel the side of the picket against my abdomen and then landing across the barbed wire fence.

drifting at wanneroo in my little datto - was laying a huge snakey down the back straight coming out of the basin only to put a wheel on the strip. ended up staring at the car next to me, car pointing directly at it, then not, then spinning and ended up, clutch in, rolling backwards up over the hill and seeing an RX7 coming straight at me at super speed. he swerved, i turned out of it only to miss the car that was next to me by a whisker. then i stalled. just over the hill on the fastest part of the track, out of sight until it was too late. i just fired it up, jammed it in reverse and drove backwards onto the infield as an EVO came over the hill and through right where i was parked.

pulled out in front of a harley rider who had 'zipped' between a truck and a stopped car at a set of lights i was crossing. he hit the front wheel. i had his headlight in my lap and his body was pretty broken on the ground a little while away from me. apparently he was racing someone.

downhill racing on a 24in cruiser - no suspension. bounced over a hump, sideswiped a tree and just flew - like superman. watched the world zoom by underneath me, flew over a grass-tree/blackboy, saw a little clearing in the scrub and knew i was headed for it - so prepared to roll. didn't see the tree that i bounced off 'on approach' and that bounced me on top of another grass tree. that was where i landed. bruised ego is all i had. was in the air a good 3-4 seconds flying downhill. mate at the top said it was like a bad movie stunt where you know someone was on wires.
* Trapped on the 6th floor of a burning building with my 2 kids, fire escape thick black smoke, 2 people died.
* Held up at gunpoint
* Climbing a steep snow slope unroped at 4500 metres above a 2 km drop
* Kayaking class 5 rapids in Nepal
* Caught in massive thermal lift at 16000 feet in a hang glider in the US