Youtube/google next step in advertising your property ?

Hiya coffee...

I've noticed the concept of a walk-around virtual tour of a property is not terribly new, but for some reason it hasn't really caught on.

Unfortunately I am on dial-up temporarily so tried the link, but wasn't game to wait. I'm assuming it is someone walking around with a camera in their hand, as opposed to a VR composition shot, (a la QuickTime VR)?

In particular the VR concept of a video tour hasn't really caught on... ;)

One interesting thing I see is now even private sellers, with the availability and ease of use of YouTube and Google, can easily promote their property themselves, with this extra form of advertising. Plus, with services like TinyURL, one wouldn't have to purchase too many lines in the newspaper classifieds, to place a horribly-long, hard-to-type link to a virtual tour of their property. :)