502 Bad Gateway

And below this it says "nginx/1.2.0"

I've been getting this error message for a couple of days when I try to read some threads. I'm not sure if its a problem on my end or the forum? Not sure if this matters or not, but i like to open a new tab to view each topic.
Do the same threads currently give you the same error?

If I could have some examples, I could investigate further.

At certain times of the day, the database is backed up and it can cause the forum to become non-responsive for a few minutes, giving errors like you are seeing. Is there a particular time of day you're more likely to have this problem?
Yes, generally the same threads are giving me the error. I usually read the forum in the evenings and I had some errors last night but I'm also getting them now.

Hmm, I've just opened a few threads and not getting the error.

I'll post again next time I get the error.
I get them too, it's usually late at night and I can't go onto any threads or refresh. About 11.30 pm Tues nite was when I got them last. Even if I leave the site and try to go back in, I get that message.
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Yup, ran out of disk space again - sorry :(

One of these days I'll find time to write that automated disk cleanup routine which moves the daily database backup files to a different server :rolleyes:
I'm no techie by any means, but happened to me this morning as well.

I did a delete cookies/history, etc. and it came good - if that's of any help to anyone.
I did a delete cookies/history, etc. and it came good - if that's of any help to anyone.

That's called coincidence (or perhaps good timing?). You must have done it around the time I fixed the problem. Deleting cookies/history won't fix a server problem.