A Moderator Thankyou

Just read the hilarious bbruham(Bruce G) edits - and I got a special mention!


Its great things are moderated - especially if an individuals feelings are hurt - & to keep a check on the language and content etc.

All the comments I have read so far from BB regarding me, have though had the effect of making me laugh, and (unfortuately most probably from BB eyes), to make me happy in my wishy-washy-caring-sharing attitudes that agrevate him so much. It also makes me glad I haven't had to walk BB's life!

Oh - and just for the record - here is a note to bbruham

Its good to see your fiesty spirit!

I'm too tiered at the moment for any really sensible comment. As for a smart remark - well ... hello ... that part of my brain somehow isn't functioning.

My weekness and my strength is my goody too shoes attitude. But I'm not blind and I'm not weak, and I like seeing the world from other prospectives. (Although there are some points of view I never even want to know about - but they are pretty dire ...)

But generally I'm a bit slow at standing in others shoes - so its great to read other points of view.

Don't loose your voice - but I hope you do have a care for some other sensitive soles - especially with direct comment to unkown people.

I'm not that sort of sensitive sole - and I assume this is a site for adults. But due to interpretations of sensibility - language and content does need to be controlled to an extent.

Once again - Don't loose your voice - keep talking ... as Assys quote of a quote goes ....Be who you are...
Hoping your not pueking up too much.