
I have just used Airtasker for the first time and am quite impressed with how easy it is. Just load a task. People then apply and you assign the task and communicate. As a sidenote, I am not in any way affiliated with MTR, if you are still looking for someone to clean your house, I would recommend it.
Much cheaper than going with a tradie for simpler jobs like gardening, cleaning etc?

Would you use the site for more complex installing a kitchen??
Much cheaper than going with a tradie for simpler jobs like gardening, cleaning etc?

Would you use the site for more complex installing a kitchen??

Highly Geared, I don't know whether I would use airtasker to find someone to install a kitchen. Maybe not. But yesterday I saw plenty of ads of people asking someone to install a kitchen, eg Ikea.
I used Airtasker once. The garden needed a big tidy up.
Within 5 mins I had a guy booked to do it. He turned up next day and worked like a Trojan. Great result.
I have a property that needs a post reno clean - dust and what not, nothing major. Might post on airtasker. Problem is I won't be there to supervise and not sure I trust some stranger inside a newly renovated prop.
Highlygeared, maybe you don't have to be there the whole time. Can you be there at the start and then drop in again to check they're cleaning the way you want?
Highlygeared, maybe you don't have to be there the whole time. Can you be there at the start and then drop in again to check they're cleaning the way you want?

I'm in Syd, the prop is in Adelaide. The agent could let them in and come back to inspect. I'm referring to the 2-3 hrs that they're in the property by themselves. Nothing to steal per se but they could be total nutjobs and grafitti my crisp newly painted walls. That's the worst case scenario I'm referring to. Probably being alarmist - I'm sure it'll be fine. I wonder if someone would do a good clean for $40 - that would be sweet. Any takers...or airtaskers haha.
Airtasker has a review system, like Airbnb and hundreds of other sites. It means you can see what people have written previously about the experience they have had with someone.
Most of the people who end up responding to my tasks are foreign students - the majority from South America, for some reason.
There are some odd tasks that get posted on Airtasker. I saw one once where somebody wanted a person to stand in a queue for the tickets to something for 6 hours or so. The oddest task I have posted was, 'Teach my Daughter Algebra.' My 14 year old announced one Monday that she had a test on algebra on the Wednesday and she didn't get it. I didn't get it either, so I posted the task on the Monday and a bloke my age, who just happened to live one street away, responded. He has kids the same age as mine, and he's a maths whiz, so he came round on the Tuesday night and spent an hour and half ($40) doing algebra with her and she killed that test.
Several times since, when she has had a maths test coming up, Mimi has said, 'Hey dad, can we get that old guy to come around?' I keep saying, 'He's my age.' She says, ' I know'.
