Amazing Quotations

I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.
-- Jim Rohn
I find this quote from Jim very very sobering. Do you have any other inspiring quotes that have made a lasting impression on you and changed your life? Please share them.

Do you want to do whats convenient OR what is right ?

Nancy Dornan

Whenever I am faced with a decision, its much easier to make it.

I also love the basic old classic from one of the greatest sales teachers of all time - Zig Ziglar, where he states that

You can have anything YOU want as long as YOU help get enough people what THEY want.


"when people show you who they are believe them"
Maya Angelou (?)

I have found that it is true that you are very rarely taken truly by surprise.

I had major and unexpected surgery with a long recovery (3 months off work) which is pretty unusual for person in her early 30s. The way people around me interacted with me when I was more in need than I have ever been in my life crysalises this saying.

It really was a demonstration of my relationship with those around me. Some of my friends were just SO WONDERFUL and I am SO LUCKY and truly BLESSED. Two family members in particular were AWESOME but there are really supportive of me in general. On the other side of the coin were others but I will not go into that, just stay on the positive side and say I had some wonderful supportive people around me.
When you hear something,you forget it.
When you see something,you remember it.
But not until you do something will you understand it......
My father in law is a panel beater and when presented with a very damaged old car he often says

"it has had more hits than the average druggie"

seriously now, he also said

" no-one ever complains about taking a profit"

referring that it is better a cut a profit in the hand than two/or none in the bush.

Peter 147
There are so many favourites, but I like these two......

Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.

Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it.
Hi everyone..,
One of my favorite reads 'A life by design' about Florence Broadhurst (a true story about a woman from rural QLD and her adventures around the world in the 1920's to 70's....)
What she wrote at 15 was so amazing!!!Please excuse the lengh of this post...but I thought it was worthwile........quote from book:)
When Florence was 15 years old she wrote an enlightening manifesto entitled 'resolution'It contains surprisingly well-formed ideas for someone so young and reveals her raw ambition:

"I shall do great things.My name shall not be lauded but in my way I shall do great things.I shall not let personal ambition and greed grip my soul in its hungry hands.I will not let my youth slip away without laughter and the joy of living making my face bright and my will strong.I will not be evil;neither shall I speak evil to others.I will not judge,for no man is worthy enough to judge his neighbour.I will grasp the goodness and the beauty of this life,and throw away the ugliness and biterness.I will turn my face to the light;yet remember the darkness that lies around and behind me.I will not blame others for my many sorrows and defeats,for man has but himself to blame for failure.Yes,I will fail and in failing I will try again.I will fall and in falling,climb.Yes,I will be selfish,for ultimately I will gratify and bring happiness to myself by giving it away in large measures to others...No real happiness can come to him who keeps his happiness t himself and does not share it with the whole world.Sympathy,sorrow,joy,yes,even anger will be my lot and I will thank God that I have the depth to fell all these things.I will thank Him for the glorious beauty of the world at sunset,for the unbearable sweetness of song.For the million,million things which lie in wait for us every hour of the day,to please our sight and fill our eyes with perfection.And I shall envy no man,for the things which are most precious and everlasting can be found in our own heart.Yes,with the help of God and with no other mortal ever to know...I shall do great things.

Anyway...I like to reread that passage not just when I need inspiration but in high and low times, you like it?
Man's mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes.

A formal education will make you a living, self education will make you a fortune. ~ Jim Rohn

I myself am my only obstacle to perfection. ~ Kierkegaard

Hi all,

Two of my favourites, something along the lines of:

"When you arrive for work, you can be focused, productive and passionate... or you can be like most other people." (John McGrath)


"The customer is not always right, but, you must always make him think he is." (not sure who said that... Michael Gerber, maybe?)

