Anyone else renovating over Easter?


Nice work, what a difference that has made, increase in rent now???:)

Yeah it really does brighten up the space.. Only increased the rent by $5pw, but the rent we were on was already quite high based on others in the area and I honestly thought we would have to drop it, even with the kitchen. But got an application through about an hour after the home open so happy days!
Yeah it really does brighten up the space.. Only increased the rent by $5pw, but the rent we were on was already quite high based on others in the area and I honestly thought we would have to drop it, even with the kitchen. But got an application through about an hour after the home open so happy days!

Yes, I forget that rents have actually dropped back in Perth, so all in all a great achievement.
Doing a pretty major reno on the PPOR presently and I actually painted a wall for a change (haven't done one for some time!) but mainly it's the builder and other tradies doing the tough stuff.... I'm way too over hands-on renovating and prefer to outsource these days :D
Spent Easter finishing up year long renos on our PPOR. Carpet went in Thursday, put the house back in order Friday and the rest of the weekend was putting some finishing touches on the outside.
Last night at 7pm we finished excavating our nature strip, shovelling bucket loads of soil and planting turf. I went to sleep with images of soil in my head. Seriously hard work but satisfying.