ATO depreciation guideline

Hi everyone,

I just had a quick look at th edepreciation guideline from the ATO's website
which shows some interesting allowances.

If anyone has a tenant working for the ATO, might want to consider to do replacments according to the schedule when the tenant complains. :p

My best guess that the more they screw down the depreciation the less owners will bother to replace items hence the quality of the tenant's life will be worse.

For those who are willing to go to the expense their accounting fees will increase as when they replace an item at the end of its aconomically useful live, they need to write it off completely and start a new one with the replaced item. As this seems to be in the too hard basket, lots of investors will be loosing out on money. :(

Any views?
That article, along with two others, was quoted in this thread.

The three articles quoted are for "Large Corporate and Multinationals", but probably indicate their way of thinking. I guess it's possible that multinationals would have residential properties for executives and the like, so perhaps lifetimes of depreciable items would be longer than for standard properties.