Attn: All Bong Users

When I was a teenager, my grandmother lived with us. She was the gardener. I remember once she made the observation that her hose didn't seem to reach as far as it used to. I told her that leaving it out in the sun it would make it shrink.

Aarghh! Please don't tell me that hose/snake like things shrink in the sun! I've been sunbathing quite often! :eek:

Actually, come to think of it, I don't know which is worse, that it shrinks in the sun or that it won't reach as far as it used to! :D
Does this leave your grass high and dry?



They knocked off his hose PB, not his mower ;0

And resell for what unit price? :p

Just like cutting down a k of smack. Depending upon how you cut it, will affect price.

whats a bong?

It's what the Avon lady rings when she gets to your front door (after someone has knocked over bing).

I reread the thread and got the munchies!


Off to KFC? Giggle Giggle Giggle :p

Actually, come to think of it, I don't know which is worse, that it shrinks in the sun or that it won't reach as far as it used to! :D

Nah, it gets wrinkly with sun damage.
Your honour, the 4th ground for the issuing of the drug search warrant was that the defendant's hose measured 12m 72 cm rather that the regulated length of 15m. It was clear to Police that there were bong users at the residence.
If you're going to chop a piece out of my garden hose to make a bong - could you please cut closer to the connector so that I don't have to waste 1 metre of hose.


I used to get this happen at a reasonably regular rate if I left the hose connected to the front tap (easy to bend over the fence and strike). Haven't been doing this for ages!! Hose now lives up the side of the house - until I left it as shown in the pic last week. They had to come up the driveway level with the house to make the cut. They've got nerve - I'll give them that. Wish I'd heard them!!! :mad:

Or they are knocking off fuel :D