Beating Procrastination

Yes, they're persistent little devils, aren't they shady.

At least with the mechanical version, you can hit the button and it shuts up! :D

I've got an external alarm clock that wakes me up.
Regardless of what time I go to bed my alarm clock wants to get out of bed, watch the wiggles and be fed anywhere from 4.30am-6.00am

Don't remind me.

We've got a 7 year old now; easy. Have to set off a bomb to wake him up by 8.00am.

But the wife wants to go again for another ankle-biter this year! :eek:
I've designed my own little 'morning performance ritual'

1 - Wake
2 - Drink 500ml of water
3 - Healthy breakfast
4 - Exercise (I go to the gym)
5 - Shower
6 - Meditate (5-10mins)

I've been doing this every day for the last 4 weeks and woah, what a difference.

How the heck do you get into that routine straight away and stick to it? I usually manage about 3.5 days with routines that are far from my norm.
How the heck do you get into that routine straight away and stick to it? I usually manage about 3.5 days with routines that are far from my norm.

I've made another little addition. 1b. Make bed. When I have a neat room it's a reflection on my current life state (I understand this might sound silly to some people here).

Best way IMO to implement a habit is just take on one new one at a time and do it for 30 days. Once you get over that 'escape velocity' somewhere around the day 25 mark it becomes harder NOT to do it.

The only real PITA I wasn't doing prior was the exercise. The other stuff is easy, I just wasn't doing it consistently as a routine, I was doing it adhoc throughout the day.
Hi all,

The thought of posting this popped into my head over 2 weeks ago but I didn't get around to it, which highlights the importance of posting it.

My name is Ian, and I'm a procrastinator.

I've done no real work for months, my tax return isn't done, some bills are unpaid not because I don't have the money but because I never got around to paying them.

I feel like sh**. The thought of everything I need to get done and the fact that I've done nothing, drains my energy every day.

I'd like to explain further but I don't know what else to say, too disorganised.

Thanks for reading.

I've been treated for depression for 8 years, and this sounds like clinical depression. See a doctor.
I've been treated for depression for 8 years, and this sounds like clinical depression. See a doctor.

That's scary; I often have symptoms similar to Ian; not that extreme though.

I never ever thought I would be suffering from some form of depression? Nah.

I thought it was just me being a pathetic, lazy, unmotivated sook, and tell myself to suck it up and get back to work.

Usually this works, but some days definitely are harder than others.
Hi all,

I feel like sh**. The thought of everything I need to get done and the fact that I've done nothing, drains my energy every day. I'd like to explain further but I don't know what else to say, too disorganised.


This may not be a problem with procrastination. You sound really depressed. Unlike women, men bottle things inside us and then we suffer needlessly. Talk to someone. Take that first step to getting back in control: Get professional help.
I found myself looking up the procrastination thread because I've realised I've fallen into this big black hole. My life is now a mound of to-do lists.

For example... from about March I've had constant reminders telling me to get something done about insulation. I PM'd people on somersoft to get recommendations, but I never did anything about it until now - and have finally booked in a quote for 29/6/09. What's the point of getting the quote, I wonder? if from 1/7/09 I can get the govt to organise the installation for me.

Another constant reminder is for changing home and contents insurance to a cheaper provider (currently with Westpac), $88 per month. Have almost settled on a provider (GIO) but have I done anything about it? Nope.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed now, as I currently do full time work, part time study, part time work, as well as lots of hobbies that take up time eg. exercising (which I genuinely love, the endorphins give me a real boost). I always pay the bills on time but letters, both unread and read, are spilling everywhere over the table. *sigh*

And instead of going and doing something about it, I write a long self-indulgent post on SS...

Any tips?
Any tips?

Yeah..dont think so much about it (you know its right), and just do it!

Keep doing the above long enough and it will become a habit that you do without thinking about it! :)

Remember, success is 80% mindset & 20% strategy.

You dont have to get it right, you just have to get it going!

Hope this helps.
I found myself looking up the procrastination thread because I've realised I've fallen into this big black hole. My life is now a mound of to-do lists.

For example... from about March I've had constant reminders telling me to get something done about insulation. I PM'd people on somersoft to get recommendations, but I never did anything about it until now - and have finally booked in a quote for 29/6/09. What's the point of getting the quote, I wonder? if from 1/7/09 I can get the govt to organise the installation for me.

Another constant reminder is for changing home and contents insurance to a cheaper provider (currently with Westpac), $88 per month. Have almost settled on a provider (GIO) but have I done anything about it? Nope.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed now, as I currently do full time work, part time study, part time work, as well as lots of hobbies that take up time eg. exercising (which I genuinely love, the endorphins give me a real boost). I always pay the bills on time but letters, both unread and read, are spilling everywhere over the table. *sigh*

And instead of going and doing something about it, I write a long self-indulgent post on SS...

Any tips?

Continue to write long self-indulgent posts on SS if you can find the keyboard underneath the letters...:D
Just an update to anyone who has been feeling like they've been unable to achieve anything for a sustained period of time (as I have been feeling lately)

There are some useful checklists at
that you can do to see if you are depressed.

On the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)
I scored 27 -

1-15 = Low or no risk
16-29 = Medium risk
30-50 = High risk

I have known for a while that something was not quite right so I'm off to see my GP.