Challenge: Can you answer these questions?

Ahhh, this reminded me of one of my favorite movies : V for Vendetta.

Evey: Who are you?
V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask.

Love it. Sorry for the hijack ;-)
Depends who you ask.

Ask the older child - I'm her mother, and I exist to do her bidding and agree with anything she says, which results in me existing to argue constantly with her because I'm afraid I don't fit her expectations (she's old enough to open the biscuit jar herself and if she's plain WRONG I don't agree with her)

Ask the younger child - I am the person who can open the biscuit jar, and I exist to give her biscuits/fill up her sippy cup/wipe her bottom/help her when she's got herself stuck on top of a cupboard.

Ask the cat - I am a mobile source of warmth and I exist to be sat on, and to open the cat flap for her because she can't possibly do it when someone is watching.

Ask my other half - I'm the layer between him and the outside world. He doesn't do 'people'. He is, however, the sole controller of the tv here, which leads the big one to complain when the television isn't showing what she wants to watch when she wants to watch it, and the small one whacks him with the remote control demanding "turn on!" every morning because apparently PVR software is too complex for an 18 month old to work out.

Otherwise? I'm me, and my life seems to be about 50/50 pleasing other people and pleasing myself, so I'm pretty happy with that.
Who are you? A slave to housework, school activities, and family. Otherwise I have the freedom to do what I want, when I want.

What is your life for? To be an unferral, unmaterialistic, happy hippy.

Hmmm, that's a hard question!
1. Who are you?

2. What is your life for?

Now you're getting way too deep, Shonnie.

Ask a duck those questions. The answer will be.....shake the tail a few more times and keep eating. Cats give interesting replies too.

I've been searching for the answer to those questions for many years, and have given up.

We have no purpose here; we are just here. Total fluke of chemical reactions.

We are not important in the larger scheme - think Tsunamis and earthquakes etc.

If you doubt this; go to the rim of the Grand Canyon and look down. If you can see the humans at the bottom with a naked eye, you're better than me.

I'm talking insignificant.

I have attached my own purpose to my own life; provide as good a lifestyle and future as I can for my family and help as many others as I can, and live a fun life of my own on the way..
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1. Who are you?

2. What is your life for?

....I sometimes wonder.......?:confused:

put me on the spot....

........but I'll go with Bayview 100%....a very good explanation!

Love Rumpled's answer too.

I know who and what I'd like to be though.....a bloke lost on a deserted island in the mid computer, no TV, no journalistic enhanced news, no nothin' .... seriously..! A loner......

I'd like my wife to be there but that ain't her game.............yet...!
Probly why I'm still here....

This always comes back to why do we do what we do each and every day.....big TC says...."'re a long time dead.."

Must live life to fullest and stop worrying so much.....:)

But this life as we know it is laced with caution every step of the way....don't do this.... you can't do that.... watch out for that shister, don't let him take your money...I'm gonna sue you, you're gonna sue religion hates nation hates other nations....John lennon comes to mind.....why do we let those thoughts leave our minds and not go ahead and do something about it....?

'cause it's easy....:eek:

I'm going for a beer....:)
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I wander from one extreme to another usually taking about ten years to do so. Have been several times a total believer that we are here for a higher purposoe to learn as much as we can from this style of life and then we move on and up the scale to another level. Now I am a total believer in that we exist by chance, live whatever life you choose if you are lucky, or are stuck with (in the case of being born in Africa) etc. However, am just starting to deeply think that for the amount of knowledge and insight we accrue in our lifetime, it seems such a waste that this all dies out with our bodies, so ........
1. Who are you?

I am me.

Unique, loving, creative, resilient, confident of myself and ability to have a red hot crack at life and giving it my best shot.

I am happy, a relatively complex but simple person.

I love life, I love people. I love nature. I love abstract, while I can communicate concrete, (as we all can), I was hardwired for ideas, theories, conjectures, dreams, philosphy, core values and beliefs. And yet "I do"....I act. I achieve. That can be an unusual combination.

I go about accomplishing my goals in a cooperative manner. I have trained myself to use utilitarianism and pragmatism. However I again, am hardwired for cooperativeness.. as much as I have my own unique colored hair and eyes. I am a problems/solutions orientated person, (optimistic). Therefore I maybe a lefty, latte sipping dude-ete.

I value my intuitiveness, integrity and honesty. I am spiritual. I have many talents. I love the journey and learning of life. I am generous. I am enthusuastic.

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the eiffel tower.
Elementary penguin singing hari krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking edgar allan poe.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.
Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo.

2. What is your life for?

To be the very best I possibly can. To seek excellence at whatever I do, to help and inspire others, to be fulfilled, to be happy, to be in a loving relationship. To create my own financial independence.



[Amor est vitae essentia]-Love is the essence of life.

-(Robert B MacKay, 1950 Australian Analyst)


It is a glorious privilege to live, to know, to act, to listen, to behold, to love.
To look up at the blue summer sky;
To see the sun sink slowly beyond the line of the horizon;
To watch the world come twinkling into view, first one by one, and the myriads that no man can count and lo!
the universe is white with them; and you and I are here.

-(Marco Morrow)


All that I have to say to the world and to mankind is contained in the notion, reverence for life.

-(Albert Schweitzer)


*Life moves on, whether we act as cowards or heroes.
Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but realize it, than to accept life unquestioningly.
Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate, or despise, serves to defeat us in the end.
What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, if faced with an open mind.
Every moment is a golden one for him [or her] who has the vision to recognize it as such.*

-(Henry Miller)


I have started on a new journey which, I know, will take me further than before towards the perfect life I was instinctively seeking.
I began this journey by exploring the unmapped territory of my own mind...
This endeavour is as vast as life itself because it requires the analysis of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being...

--(Ella Maillart, explorer-traveler-writer, Cruises and Caravans)


Bertrand Russell:

Three passions have governed my life:
The longings for love, the search for knowledge,
And unbearable pity for the suffering of [humankind].

Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness.
In the union of love I have seen
In a mystic miniature the prefiguring vision
Of the heavens that saints and poets have imagined.

With equal passion I have sought knowledge.
I have wished to understand the hearts of [people].
I have wished to know why the stars shine.

Love and knowledge led upwards to the heavens,
But always pity brought me back to earth;
Cries of pain reverberated in my heart
Of children in famine, of victims tortured
And of old people left helpless.
I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot,
And I too suffer.

This has been my life; I found it worth living. ~~adapted

Life is beautiful.

Who cares?

(Answering a perhaps, rhetorical question).

Actually, I do.:)

I care.

It may well be, (or arguably), the greatest untapped resource that some folks overlook is within them.

Our power and choices we get to create and make ....those from internal self development/ongoing education, can enable and equip us with a greater depth and strategies to deal with external stimuli/stresses.

Knowing "us"...know thyself, is another means of giving ourselves opportunity to develop/strengthen/maximise/practice our strength and weaknesses.

It has been a great benefit in just my financial education/building/acquiring, let alone for other stuff.

I have more....:p
1. Who are you?

2. What is your life for?

The bare facts.

(I am a realist.)

Who am I? A Homo sapien of the primate species. ( I am God)

What is your life for? Pro-creation for the survival of my species.

Regards JO
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(Answering a perhaps, rhetorical question).

Actually, I do.:)

I care.

It may well be, (or arguably), the greatest untapped resource that some folks overlook is within them.

Our power and choices we get to create and make ....those from internal self development/ongoing education, can enable and equip us with a greater depth and strategies to deal with external stimuli/stresses.

Knowing "us"...know thyself, is another means of giving ourselves opportunity to develop/strengthen/maximise/practice our strength and weaknesses.

It has been a great benefit in just my financial education/building/acquiring, let alone for other stuff.

I have more....:p

On a much deeper and philosophical plane - I agree whole-heartedly.:)

Regards JO
A bit off topic but I once read a quote/motto when doing my thesis that stuck with me:

Translated it says: "Believe , obey , simply act".

Seems to fit in with a lot of what is said here.

The guys name was Rudoph Hoess.

I'm not a big one on the type A affirmation society. I suspect the answer to who we are and what we are doing is best found within.
“And God does not care for your benevolence any more than he cares for the lack of it in others.

Nor does he care for those who sit at windows in judgement of the world He created."

Ahh, thank you for this quote from a profound poet, evand. So true. :)

Who are you?
I am what I am. And so I am part of Us, who are what we are.

What is your life for?

Whatever I say. This may change from day to day. No choice is more or less valid than any other.