Coffee tables converting to dining table

Does anyone know where in Australia I can source a modern coffee table that converts to a dining table. I am furnishing a bedsit (studio) apartment and space is a premium !
Thanks Wylie I was thinking that too but I was looking at their website and couldn't find it so thought I must have remembered wrong. Maybe I have to brave the store ahhhhhh
ooooo - can i come with you. we were in adelaide last weekend and i only got to glimpse the outside as we sped past (and drool).
I just googled "coffee tables than become dining tables" and came up with in melbourne.

I had a quick look at the website and couldn't see the table that converts (which is mentioned in the google results), so maybe give them a call, but their furniture looks expensive.

Another google for "coffee table/dining table" brought up this

which is a forum type question and somebody has given some web addresses as part of the answer, which you may like to have a look at (I haven't looked as yet).

And another google search for "convertible coffee table" found this