Company Soul Stealing

Please excuse a bit of pished posting. Had a dreadful day at work today - seriously thought I was losing my marbles, had to call and ex staff member to confirm a procedure done by another department because all of them were denying ever had done it! Was called everything but directly a liar, had staff members denying they'd ever done said procedure, had their manager become very agressive towards me to the point of bursting into tears (felt physically threatened and just over it), and ended up leaving early. (confirmed I was right by ex staff member who stated he'd actually stood next to one of other department whilst they did said procedure)

I worked for one of the big 4 banks straight out of Uni for several years, had a great time, loved it, despite putting in big hours, extra study etc. This company (medium/small sized) is shocking - I would leave now except for having a holiday booked for four weeks in July/August, where I'll use up my time off in leave (they won't pay it out), and get my annual leave paid out when I leave in August/September (will turn in res the day I get back from holiday). These guys are by name (litererally) an "ethical" company. And yet I have to fight on a daily basis to get basic tasks done, have been reduced to tears several times by the other departments manager, have had leave cancelled at the last minute (literally 5pm the day before I had leave starting), and deal on a daily basis with people who have been elevated well beyond what they're capable of (and not just management of people- portfolio managers/financial analysts). (ok sorry for the whine and the wine)

If I weren't starting my own company and having a 4 week holiday (I had one week at the end of last month - first real holiday in years - last paid holiday leave for a while with own company :) ) in July I'd be outta there like a shot. In actual fact I'll be telling my manager's manager on Monday that I will be leaving in August/September but can't provide a fixed date as of yet. (My manager has beef with me as he blames me for his pet assistant getting fired - no way related to me except I could cover her duties)

The thing I am querying though (long way round) - is at what point is a company able to steal your self esteem and your soul purely so various people can push their own political point? How have others dealt with this?

Thanks for listening guys! (and congrats to any who made it to the end of this post) :eek:
Is it worth taking stress leave? It will be permanent on your record but I've been through some really stressful situations at one particular job. I resigned and one of my bosses suggested stress leave to me for a few months then come back. I ended up declining and flat out resigned. A friend of mine was getting really burnt out with one of her jobs, she took stress leave and eventually got another job. It hasn't affected her future employment though. Your health is not worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, Mooze, I'm so sorry to hear of your plight. You definitely need to get out of this job. As INVSTOR has pointed out, no job is worth jeopardising your health and peace of mind.

Hopefully, having made the decision to leave, you'll feel less "bound" to the workplace, and all the things that you perceive are "wrong" will bother you less. It can also help, when something is really bothering you, to try and put it in perspective by asking: "how much will this matter to me in ten years' time?"

You're paid to turn up, and put in your best efforts, with the skills and resources available to you. If the organisation employs other people that obstruct you, or doesn't provide adequate resources to get the job done, you have to try and detach yourself from that, and not take it on as your problem. Your only obligation is to try your hardest, but you're not responsible for the results (or lack thereof) if the organisation hampers you from achieving what you think should be achievable.

Tell your management what you think the organisation needs to do for you to achieve better results, but if they choose not to provide it, then there's little you can do about it. Do your best, and try to forget about it when you walk out the door in the afternoon.

I was a very conscientious, determined, and persistent employee in my mid 20s. I was a bloody awful employee; I couldn't handle the constant frustration and limitations, and downright obstacles, placed in my path. I could handle the impact on the quality of the work, but at one point, one of my colleagues was severely physically and psychologically damaged as a result of a very traumatic workplace incident. I stood up for this person and became a whistleblower, when the perpetrators of a vicious sexual assault at work went without punishment from my immediate superiors. I made myself literally sick. I got so traumatised that I lost my power of speech. I would never have believed what stress can do to your body. (I'd always "pooh poohed" stress. I guess losing my power of speech was karma, or God teaching me humility.)

Given my time again, I'd probably be a whistleblower again, because that's just the kind of person I am. But I'd definitely try harder to get some perspective, and try to detach myself emotionally. Meditation is good. And talking to a counsellor or psychologist.

Thankfully the very qualities that made me a nightmare of an employee, serve me well as a property investor. And if all this hadn't happened, I probably wouldn't have had the courage to leave the security of full-time work to "have a go" at property investing. Everything happens for a reason. :)

I hope you find the reason for this experience, and are able to manage your stress and not let it impact on you too much.
Very tempting to take stress leave. I literally left work questioning my sanity ie I could remember standing next to a certain staff member as they did things, yet they denied ever doing them. Took that phone call to confirm I wasn't losing it, depsite allegations of other department staff member.

I know I'm being hounded out of the company is the big thing - I was used as scapegoat for a few things (none of my doing - political playing by those above me - which *****s me). I'll go to my gp on Monday and ask for a Dr Cert.

I actually think it's really scary that an asx company can act this way, and still call themselves ethical. If they knew of a company they invested in (or invested their unit holder/shareholder) monies in, they'd pull out/crucify them straight away.
(again apologies for pished posting - I just wanna sleep tonight)
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I did !! Life is too short to be stressed like that, no company is worth it. I was such a loyal company man.....I'm my own man now :D

I agree with Gordon. Leave NOW

Your head will be in a better place, you will be happy and in control and probably achieve a lot more.

Good luck
Amanda sorry to hear of your terrible time, i suspect their may be some , other motives in the push to move you on, your other part time investments may be a bit of a sore point, with bosses, and that branding from jeolous parties, does'nt go down to well with the conservitive types, especially bosses, i have an idea where your financially set and you have the means and i know you posses the drive and the confidence to do your own thing,
Companys give you a number on the way in and it does'nt matter of the years invested with them you give your number back on the way out.their is little or no faith in being the company worker, and alot seem to forget this,

i have met you and still can't believe that with your drive, personality, and skills set. that you could even be bothered working for another buisiness. i would of thought as clever as you are you could'nt afford to waste your time with a "JOB"
Your better than this! and much stronger too!
Cheers craig, call if you wan't and we can talk about the light, the real light at the end of the tunnel.
Please excuse a bit of pished posting. Had a dreadful day at work today - seriously thought I was losing my marbles, had to call and ex staff member to confirm a procedure done by another department because all of them were denying ever had done it! Was called everything but directly a liar, had staff members denying they'd ever done said procedure, had their manager become very agressive towards me to the point of bursting into tears (felt physically threatened and just over it), and ended up leaving early. (confirmed I was right by ex staff member who stated he'd actually stood next to one of other department whilst they did said procedure)

I worked for one of the big 4 banks straight out of Uni for several years, had a great time, loved it, despite putting in big hours, extra study etc. This company (medium/small sized) is shocking - I would leave now except for having a holiday booked for four weeks in July/August, where I'll use up my time off in leave (they won't pay it out), and get my annual leave paid out when I leave in August/September (will turn in res the day I get back from holiday). These guys are by name (litererally) an "ethical" company. And yet I have to fight on a daily basis to get basic tasks done, have been reduced to tears several times by the other departments manager, have had leave cancelled at the last minute (literally 5pm the day before I had leave starting), and deal on a daily basis with people who have been elevated well beyond what they're capable of (and not just management of people- portfolio managers/financial analysts). (ok sorry for the whine and the wine)

If I weren't starting my own company and having a 4 week holiday (I had one week at the end of last month - first real holiday in years - last paid holiday leave for a while with own company :) ) in July I'd be outta there like a shot. In actual fact I'll be telling my manager's manager on Monday that I will be leaving in August/September but can't provide a fixed date as of yet. (My manager has beef with me as he blames me for his pet assistant getting fired - no way related to me except I could cover her duties)

The thing I am querying though (long way round) - is at what point is a company able to steal your self esteem and your soul purely so various people can push their own political point? How have others dealt with this?

Thanks for listening guys! (and congrats to any who made it to the end of this post) :eek:

aah...good old workplace politics and personality clashes - gotta love it.

Totally unavoidable no matter where you go, so it's up to you in the end to rise above it all, be true to thyself, be strong and pay no attention.

No-one can steal your self esteem - unless you let them.

Don't descend to their level, darl.

Of course; the beauty of it all is it drives you at a more rapid rate towards retiring young, retiring rich (isn't that the name of a book? ;):D), being in control of your own destiny.

Go get 'em.
Hopefully, you're feeling better today, Mooze, after a night's sleep.

Armed with the doctor's certificate if you took the next week off,
am sure that will give you a chance to keep things in perspective and
the strength to carry on till your holiday. I would avail of every bit
of leave I could - sick, personal days off etc before I left.

Can you talk to HR about this ...who cares if it went down on your personal file.

Know if you didn't need the job, you would throw in the towel tomorrow but if you're like some of us and need the money comig in, you'll just have to steel yourself not to let them get to you.

Gosh how much more incentive for you to get started on your own company !

Like OzPerp, believe that everything happens for reason and don't for moment think that these managers will get away with it. Short term, maybe but you can't fool all the people all the time ! There is retribution and all of us pay (whether others may know or not) for the harm we bring to others.

My hubby's company had an old MD brought back (complete jerk) and in the past he had treated all the staff like s___t. On his return, he didn't even acknowledge people he had worked iwth previously. Anyway, this guy lasted this time only 6 weeks and was thrown out again last morning.

Take care, no company is ever worth any amount of angst !


................The thing I am querying though (long way round) - is at what point is a company able to steal your self esteem and your soul purely so various people can push their own political point? How have others dealt with this?

Thanks for listening guys! (and congrats to any who made it to the end of this post) :eek:

No one, NO ONE :mad: can steal your self esteem (soul) without your permission.

You've had some good (and candid) opinion above.

Get a few days or a week off or so, as has been suggested and look after yourself. Calm down and look after the big rocks first.....Health and peace of mind..........without those, life doesn't have much flavour :)

Over those days off nurture yourself and work out a game plan moving forward.
A fascinating and interesting post Mooze. It seems I am at home on this forum as I agree with most of the comments above. Players comment about needing your consent to "steal your soul" is a paraphrasing of Eleanor Roosevelts saying that no one can make you feel little without you letting them. The notion removes the victim mentality and focuses on self empowerment. (ps I am not a type A personality and I ve never been to a Tony Robbins(?) seminar),

So where to from here? Leave your job but don't give them notice until you are completely set up for a smooth transition. Legal process? possibly but your energy will be better spent in building up your own company?

To date most of the significant successes in my life have arisen from negative situations that have pushed me to the end of my usually easy going nature.

Several years ago I decided to not deal with negative or toxic people (turned a new client away yesterday , politely, for that reason).

Best decision ever. Such are vexatious to the spirit.

Deep down you know what has to be done.
Thanks very much guys :)

Had a highly productive day today working on my business - all driven by the thought of getting out of the toxic place as fast as possible. I figured out I have around eight days of full pay sick leave and over three weeks of half pay sick leave - I'll be using as much of that as my Dr will give me a certificate for.

I also figured out the day I give in my resignation - July 22nd I'll be emailing it through (will be in Canada at the time), gives me a final day of August 20th. Means when I get back from my trip I only have to survive two weeks there.

I do have a lot of annual leave up my sleeve, however will be getting that paid out when I leave to boost my cashflows for the business. We get time off in lieu - which is what I'm using for the holiday (have had to do some weekends/pub holidays and just general overtime over the years). I'm tempted to use some of this but will only do so if I really really can't survive those last few weeks.

Also agree very much on the you can't let them take your self esteem without your permission - although it's taken two years to get me to this point - head will be higher over the next few weeks.

Thanks for listening and all the advice guys :)
if you want revenge - tie them up in red tape.

call worksafe. cite all kinds of exposed wires, pulled carpet in hallways etc. worksafe won;t find anything you mentioned, but they find other stuff - they have to - they have to justify their existence. then they make it REAL HARD for it to be approved.

bury them in paperwork for the next 90 days - and then send them a congratulations card for passing worksafe standards.

have fun!
Thank you very much all! :)

Gave informal notice today :D

In terms of revenge have found out that things are happening that will really bite a few on the behind - nothing to do with what happened but chances are they'll end up out of a job in a few months anyway due to outsourcing

I have no desire to take revenge on others - as much as they've peeved me at times, they've over all been pretty good and I think in many ways have nothing but good will towards me. Hence giving a fair bit of notice (I think in many ways me just leaving is bad enough for them given size of company and technical aspects of my role).

I'm still taking the next three days as leave, but am very looking forward to showing up next week and essentially sticking it to the ones who were *******s.

Ta all!
Now as you crash the puters and get all information available make sure you know who is managing the outsourcing and suppliers.

Resume looks good if you worked there.:D

Good luck. And F--- the place and s--- kicking bosses.

I did in it 1995 :)
Sounds like you work for the public service. Is it AMP?? Every big organisation has its politics. You survive by not caring. Do your job but don't put in so much effort that it makes you cry. I have seen female staff members in tears at work before and usually these are the ones who actually give a shi*. The ones who make them cry are also part of the team but by name only.
Every big organisation has its politics. You survive by not caring. Do your job but don't put in so much effort that it makes you cry. I have seen female staff members in tears at work before and usually these are the ones who actually give a shi*.
Did you work at my former workplace, asdf? Or are you just incredibly wise? This is so true.
Almost sounds like every bank johnny's tale - mine included. I figured out CBA can be a good place to deal with but they arent good with people who stand their ground if it isnt 'their way' of doing it (which isnt always 'right')

End of the day be true to yourself and you'll find out what you're meant to do.
ta guys

ASDF - not public service, but a small/medium company. Think a lot of staff are ex public service though.

Feel soo much better today - as though a weight has been lifted and I'm good to go and move on with what I really want to do! :D