Complimentary Custodian Seminar

Do a search on my comments about Mr. Fitzgerald in the past.
Why would you listen to him when he has been wrong on virtually all accounts? Mr. Fitzgerald develops Brisbane property and sells it at a premium on the pretence he is helping you. If you listened to him, you would have missed out investing in the the obvious performer which was Melbourne.
And the free book is because they can't sell them.

Are you aware he developes in QLD, VIC, NSW and WA so far? It's good to be informed. I personally have properties purchased through CWB in QLD, VIC and WA.
By the way I thought properties in every state go through property cycles, and the last one I agree with you was in Melbourne.
"Do a search on my comments about Mr. Fitzgerald in the past.
Why would you listen to him when he has been wrong on virtually all accounts?"

How do you know this?
I do not know of one person that has been right all the time?

I have been a Custodian client since year 2000.