Computer Problems

It appears that I have some sort of virus or malware or something. I'm not really sure what it is or how to get rid of it. It is not on any of the computers but on the wireless network. It does not matter which computer you use in the house, or even if you are a guest using the internet the same thing will happen.

If I click a link to anywhere, most times I will get a new page pop up. It does not go to the same page everytime and sometimes the page it sends me to is for something similar to the page that I wanted to view. Because of the frequency of this, if I need to click a link I will usually do it twice. The first time will often be the pop up and the second will go where I want it to go.

Does anyone know what it is and how to get rid of it?
Its a virus of sorts. Its not on your link but actually embedded in your browser basically hijacking your browsing.

Which virus checkers do you use?

I use AVG and Malwarebytes and spybot and then also use the microsoft scanner to get rid of really tough ones. Can't remember how I fired up the Microsoft one but is finally cleaned things up.

Does the problem happen if you use a different browser firefox, explorer, chrome and a couple of others?


PS the Microsoft link is

But you need to be using Explorer
The only browser I use is IE.

It does not just happen on this computer though. Hubby's laptop does it, but only at home, he has no problems at work. Other daughter has an Apple and it does it with hers. We have had other family/friends use their laptops here and it has happened to them too, but not when they use their own networks so I can only assume that it has something to do with the modum, not my main computer.
Use the Microsoft scanner as per my link.

Computers are mysterious things and can act strange and unpredictable when infected.

Just to be sure its nothing in your router or modem turn them all off, to reset them. Your not using an extra computer to act as a server? If so then this could have the virus.

Scan any and all computers one at a time without having any other computers turned on so that you are not getting any cross contamination.

A virus can originate from somebodies computer that plugs into your network. If you are allowing other people to hook up to your network then you should be running zone alarm and appropriate anti virus software on each of your computers. This is a good idea in any case.

OK, I started the microsoft scanner before I went out to buy groceries, so I didn't see your next post. I didn't turn off anything else at that stage. It is still running and looks like it is going to take some hours to complete. It is only 5% completed.

So far it says that there are 7 items detected, 2 issues found. :( Not good! :(

So, if I understand you right, if this is the main computer that the modum is plugged into, the virus could be on this one and the other ones just somehow get it coming on them too?

Aaarrrrggghhh! Damn computers!
Most common virus at the moment is one that poses as a virus scanner telling you that you've got a virus and that you should 'click here' to fix it. So i guess it's worth knowing which one you have installed and ignoring alerts from others.

I run without a virus scanner at home and others can too if they're very diligent in what websites they go to, what links they click on and what attachments they open.

At work we use Trend Micro on our network and that of all our clients, its a good product. In the residential market there's not very many good products. I'd recommend using the Microsoft one as a line of defense and running Trend Housecall say once a month; this is more of a 'killer' type product than a 'defender' if that makes sense.

Theres a scam going around at the moment where someone will call you up and say that they noticed Windows is running slow and advise all the risks. Then con you into paying them $120 and giving them access to your computer where they put god knows what on it, and take god knows what off of it. I know of 3 people who have been called regarding this so far, please please please tell these people to GTFO.
Sounds like a browser hijacker. Have you tried a different browser like Firefox or Chrome? Fixing an infected IE is a real pain in the a** lol. If you need help though I can try.
At work we use Trend Micro on our network and that of all our clients, its a good product. In the residential market there's not very many good products.

I have found avast ( to be very suitable. This is free for domestic users.

Combined with "adaware" and "spybot" - each run about monthly - we don't any issues at home, with 2 PCs and a laptop.
Hmm, not happy Jan! :(

I have run the Mircrosoft scan and it told me that I had two problems that can't be fixed. :eek: It said click next and it would tell me what to do. I did that, and the damn thing closed down. My computer is still throwing up all kinds of pop ups, so it didn't stop that.
skater, firstly it's not the computer, it's the user. You need to be careful, especially if you insist on using Microsoft products (IE and scanner) because all Microsoft products are rubbish, no exceptions. I learnt years ago to ignore any advice related to using Microsoft products to fix an issue, because they do little (if anything at all). As you have just found out.

First thing you need to do is stop using IE. Install Firefox instead. IE today is what Firefox was a million years ago. All Microsoft does is steal ideas from other developers, change it to ensure that their end product is as absolutely horrible and user unfriendly as possible and call it 'innovation'. I am seriously convinced that the developers at MS sit around at meeting discussing how they can make their products as terrible as possible.

Microsoft is akin to Telstra in that there are plenty of products available that are often much cheaper and far superior, but people still use Telstra because they don't know any better.

Then what you need to do is download and install the following:

1. Avast Anti-Virus
2. Malwarebytes
3. Ad Aware
4. Spybot

Run all of them, one at a time. Avast and Malwarebytes should get everything, Ad Aware and Spybot might find a handful of other things that shouldn't be on there. You should be fine then.
Hi Skater,

Very frustrating isn't it, all good advice so far I would just add that if you go looking for Ad aware be very, very careful with the spelling as there is a similar spelled one that is NOT the one you want but is a rip off.

I use Super Anti Spyware instead of Adaware (another freebie) and find it as good as or better.

I don't disagree with your comments re Microsoft, but non the less it did ones remove a virus that all the others couldn't remove. The tool also does actually clean up some of the registries, which admittedly, windows should manage better.

Skater as Mark indicates you will need to continue with the various scanners until finally you track down which hijacker you have.

The Microsoft scanner should have told you what it found so at least you can search the internet for more info.


PS there is another Microsoft tool which I am running now just to see which may help you.

May be a scanner that does different things.
Hi Skater,

Very frustrating isn't it, all good advice so far I would just add that if you go looking for Ad aware be very, very careful with the spelling as there is a similar spelled one that is NOT the one you want but is a rip off.

I use Super Anti Spyware instead of Adaware (another freebie) and find it as good as or better.

I can't believe I didn't suggest Super Anti-Spyware! I use that on my laptop (which unfortunately has Windows 7 on it). I thought XP was bad (but the best MS OS, in my opinion), but somehow Microsoft has managed to make W7 really really bad. If it's suppoedly an improvement to Vista, then I am glad I never used that.

You could always go another route and install Ubuntu, then you will never have issues with viruses or spyware or any of that garbage ever again. Ask any Linux user and they'll answer you with 'Virus? What's a virus?'.
Started trying to fiddle with it but got disturbed by Hubby. Apparently he was feeling neglected, so I had to appease and entertain him.:rolleyes: I think I'll have better luck trying to deal with this tomorrow or Tuesday when I have the house to myself. :D
First thing you need to do is stop using IE. Install Firefox instead. IE today is what Firefox was a million years ago. All Microsoft does is steal ideas from other developers, change it to ensure that their end product is as absolutely horrible and user unfriendly as possible and call it 'innovation'. I am seriously convinced that the developers at MS sit around at meeting discussing how they can make their products as terrible as possible.
Then what you need to do is download and install the following:

1. Avast Anti-Virus
2. Malwarebytes
3. Ad Aware
4. Spybot

Run all of them, one at a time. Avast and Malwarebytes should get everything, Ad Aware and Spybot might find a handful of other things that shouldn't be on there. You should be fine then.

+1000 on this recommendation.

Started trying to fiddle with it but got disturbed by Hubby. Apparently he was feeling neglected, so I had to appease and entertain him.:rolleyes: I think I'll have better luck trying to deal with this tomorrow or Tuesday when I have the house to myself. :D

Why can't I get some of this from my wife when I keep fiddling with the computers... ? :eek:
Are these free programs?

I tried to download Malwarebytes, but it took me to some weird website called Major Geeks when I pressed the download button.

I tried Spybot, but could only find Spybot S&D, which I presume is the same thing, but thought I'd check just in case because some of these scammer type people are good at getting you onto a dodgy site. That one you have to sign up for something at $can't remember? each month. It wasn't big $$, but again, thought I'd check.
Hi Skater,

Try these links


Malware :

Super ASW:

Avira Anti Virus:,239030384,10543945s,00.htm

All are free and I have used them all for some time, we are on the net every day for a few hours so we pick up quite a few bugs over a week.

I usually update them all and run them each week, most will run in the background while you use the PC but they can slow it down.

Usually I work my way through them all when I am not using the PC but am nearby, I run one and come back later, close and click the next one. They all have fairly simple operation so I just click on "next" and let them do their thing.

I can only empathize with you & recall continual frustrations of the same kind. A very good virus software package is an essential requirement for Windows users, IMHO.

2 yrs ago I switched to Apple and haven't had a single problem since... not one. Every PC I have owned, running Windows, has ended with grief at some point. I now own 3 Apple computing device (Imac, Macbook, Ipad) and had zero virus issues with all three. The reason I changed, is due to the kind of issues you are having.... I just got fed up.

Happy computing ;)
ada ware

Are these free programs?

I tried to download Malwarebytes, but it took me to some weird website called Major Geeks when I pressed the download button.

I tried Spybot, but could only find Spybot S&D, which I presume is the same thing, but thought I'd check just in case because some of these scammer type people are good at getting you onto a dodgy site. That one you have to sign up for something at $can't remember? each month. It wasn't big $$, but again, thought I'd check.

download the above, but you must run computer in safe mode with network when you run the first scan or it will just keep comming back. How you get to safe mode depends on operating system.
So what system are you running xp, vista or windows 7.


PS: it is free
OK, I have now downloaded all the above programs and am working on running them. Someone else PM'd me and said that the problem might be a poisened router/modem, so I'll get Hubby onto that too, but that won't happen until later today.

Hopefully with all of that, I'll be able to beat this damn thing.

Thankyou everyone who has helped so far.