CRC on "the windows'??

Sam_H said:
Do not EVER, and I mean EVER -scrape dry glass!
A good hint- about two weeks too late for me :(

I'm looking at a glass cleaning service- you do need to put something onto your website if you're going to be putting the link up :D
Cosmo said:
Hi Duncan,

I laughed for ages when I saw that “Start Ya Bastard” in an Auto shop once.

Try being neat if you paint near the glass. If you get paint on the glass use a blade scraper to get it off.
I’m usually fighting the rental clock so I go full throttle with painting window frames and then tend to the paint on the glass with the blade scraper (faster overall).

Go the blade scraper- therapeutic after a while :)
Doesn't take long and saves a hell of a lot of taping!
I have used a sheet of wet newspaper the size of the glass. This is handy when you have a lot of small panes of glass such as found in older houses. The wet paper sticks to the glass long enough to paint and comes away easily when it is time to remove. Remove the paper before the paint gets too dry. Downside is the amount of time required to cut the paper to size.
I usually just paint freehand and try to not be too critical of my work.

I find myself looking beyond the personality on TV to the windows in the time GW is in front of the Whitehouse windows have a look at how messy the edges are! Same thing at #10 in London. Not to mention the lifestyle shows, Changing Rooms etc. and their paint work!