Cute quotes from kids

We are in a 'visiting nurse' program, who comes around once a month. Today she asked how we were, I said we just got over a cold that we got in Adelaide.

Nurse says to Miss 3, "Oooh, did you go to Adelaide?"

Miss 3: "We broomed a long long way away and we can't see our house anymore"
This reminded me of something my daughter said when she was about 4. We have pretty much lived in the country all the kids lives, but were visiting the city one day. My daughter was staring at an attractive business woman walking towards us, head swivelling as she passed. My girl whispered to me "Mum, why does that woman have white arms and face and black legs??" Her face was incredulous. Of course, the woman was wearing sheer black stockings! Poor country bumpkin child!

We had a 13yo country billet, who'd never been to a city with skyscrapers (as he called them) before, stay with us and he shared a few similar experiences :D.

One thing I wished I'd know before he came, is that two inches of water left in a bath, does not mean all but a bit of water has been drained.

The penny didn't drop till after he'd left. The poor kid could have had a real city bath.
We had a 13yo country billet, who'd never been to a city with skyscrapers (as he called them) before, stay with us and he shared a few similar experiences :D.

Haha, my kids call them skyscrapers still too, and we have been back for almost 2yrs....and its only Perth..hardly massive buildings. Its all relative I suppose!
Haha, my kids call them skyscrapers still too, and we have been back for almost 2yrs....and its only Perth..hardly massive buildings. Its all relative I suppose!

Is this only time you guys have heard the term skyscraprer beign used for tall buildings ? I've heard it plenty of times form plenty of people all my life
skyscraper, truro=5floors halifax=18floors melbourne=80floors, melbourne pers hearing someone referring to 5floor building as skyscraper thinks its funny
3/4 of my kids gre up in smalltown, think 18floors is huge, are somewhat diffident of city of 500000 people, cant work a busroute or catch a train, think it amazing because I can in cities we havent been to before
My 4yo daughters Kinder teacher pulled me aside one day to tell me about a serious conversation she had with her during class. My daughter told the class how her Mum gets really angry when Dad farts in the car and doesn't wind the window down!

The teacher had to walk from the room she was laughing so hard and she just had to tell me... :)
Had to post this.
Today kindy kids (5-6yr olds) went to music. The music teacher is teaching them Easter songs. They were learning "hippity hop". At the end it goes "to make your Easter bright and gay".

One kid says "I didn't know the Easter bunny was gay".:D

Another kid says "what's gay mean?" Before the teacher had time to react kid one says "It's when 2 men love each other.:eek::eek: