
Great thread Player. I'm glad you bumped it back up as there is no way I would have found it otherwise.
The subject you have covered here is in fact the main thing that has been holding me back because most of the other fundamental elements of wealth creation are available. They include the ability to earn more than I need to survive, the ability to invest in appreciating assets, the support of family/friends and colleagues.
It is the feeling of deserving wealth that has eluded me and the subconscious programming I have been exposed to that makes me feel guilty to aspire for more. I am working hard now on the mindset so that the feelings of guilt can be replaced by more worthy feelings. For me that means turning it around so that my goals and priorities can be linked in a positive way to wealth creation. Things like being able to reunite my wife with her family on the other side of the world more often as I know she misses them terribly even though she loves living here with me and our daughter and she sees it as her home. Being able to provide my daughter with the resources so that she can achieve her dreams. Was it Warren Buffet who said give your children enough so that they can do anything but not so much that they do nothing? Being able to contribute to charity in a more significant way and give back to the community on a larger scale. To look after my mother and father-in-law as they are now in their seventies and are surviving on pensions.
I grew up being told that the love of money is the root of all evil and at church always remember hearing that it is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. I try now to compartmentalize these "beliefs" and recognise them for what they are/were. The battle continues and more like minded people are sought after in the effort to overcome this obstacle that appears small but is quite powerful in its application.

Thanks again for sharing.
What a great thread, an awesome read.

i really like RickF post about having the ability to provide for others.
Rather than feel undeserving, and stay in my comfort zone along with the people i love, i like to think i am doing more of a service and making those same people proud by pursuing success and doing things differently. doing so allows me to find my real happiness by giving. I wouldnt know how awesome it feels to provide if i didnt find some level of success and enough of an abundance of wealth to give to people i love.

whenever i feel like i am sacrificing time with those people short term, and that i am away for too long, i just remember that long term i am doing the right thing by them in making them proud, and doing enough to provide.

Great thread
Step into the Unknown

Excellent post Player; Kudos to you.

Well worth resurfacing it, as I hadn't seen it before.

It clearly is our fears that hold us back from doing what we are capable of doing. Yet when you let go & step into the unknown that is where excitement begins. That is where our deepest passions can be found. And if you direct that towards helping others, then you’ll find your greatest rewards.

Years ago on a project in Indonesia I employed a handful of guy’s from Sumatra. These people had few possessions, yet they were the happiest I’d met. They had big toothy smiles, puffing on a Gudang Garam (clove cigarette) & they sang a lot. They loved life!!!

I learnt that happiness comes from the simple things in life, like friendship, helping others, community service etc. (& for me I added the beach, the ocean, water). As a sage guru once noted happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. This is true for many things in life.

I encourage you decide ahead of time what you want, then to step into the unknown, help other around you & look for the simple things in life.

Great read Player. Very Inspiring. Will start incorporating it on myself.
A bit off topic but really enjoyed your interview/posts as well.
Well done and thank you for sharing.
Good post.

Every now and then I get a moment when I falter and question the wealth journey I am on. This post will help keep me going. Cheers.
Whilst I believe it is a good thing to be all you can, I personally don't believe in the concept of 'deserving'. There is only cause and effect, action and consequence, input and output. As I said on another thread, the universe doesn't care about your intentions.

That said, still a great post to motivate people to be all they can.