Development north of 2770

First time contributor but long time reader! Just wondering if anyone knows of plans (if any) in store for the corridor between Willmot/Shalvey and the development at Marsden Park. Google maps would have you believe that there maybe a planned highway. I'm not sure if this is correct now that the M7 is complete. Also know that there is a shooting range just north of Shalvey. Would appreciate your knowledge or thoughts on this.

Thank you in advance.
Some one told me that the M7 was suppose to run through that corridor between Wilmot/Shalvey but penrith council objected. I know its under Blacktown council but I think it was going to go through Penrith's patch.

I've been to that shooting range at Shalvey..just had a sticky beak. Couldn't believe the power of a hand gun.

There is also a shooting range down down certain parts of Luxford Rd on certain nights :D
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