Double or Single Story

Hi everyone,

Just wanted some advice. I recently bought some land and went through the process of getting a floor plan done and everything. I visited the block the other day and saw all these huge double story houses being built. The plan that I have is for a single story. The house next door is a double story being built but the one on the other side is vacant (for now).

Just wondering, how much of an affect would this have on the house's market value and also resale potential? Would it be considerably worse? Is there anything I can do to mitigate it?

Since a double story house usually costs more build than a single story, it will attract a higher price.

However there is nothing wrong with building a single story house. It might attract a lower price compared to a double story but will also cost less to build.

There are other things to take into consideration:
- Your budget. This will pretty much determine what you can build.
- Double story might have more rooms, toilets, car spaces, pool, etc
- Not all buyers might want a double story
- and more...


Hi everyone,

Just wanted some advice. I recently bought some land and went through the process of getting a floor plan done and everything. I visited the block the other day and saw all these huge double story houses being built. The plan that I have is for a single story. The house next door is a double story being built but the one on the other side is vacant (for now).

Just wondering, how much of an affect would this have on the house's market value and also resale potential? Would it be considerably worse? Is there anything I can do to mitigate it?


Depends on the area I suppose
Double story can help maximise the land area - by building up you could possibly retain a decent yard (I have no idea what the size of the land is).

