Email problem

Help Needed! I have a large email sitting in my Outlook outbox which is too large to send. I want to delete it but every time I load Outlook the email tries to send and crashes the system. How can I delete it without opening Outlook?

at which point does it crash? have you tried disabling internet and then opening outlook?
How much time between the point when you open it and when it crashes?
Thanks Strannik...I've tried to circumvent the problem by loading Outlook with the internet connection off but it still seems that the default is for it to try and send the email as soon as loading. Then it just hangs and can stay hung forever until I reboot.

Any ideas??
Are you using Outlook Express or Outlook?
If express - search for outbox.dbx and delete it. You may need to enable viewing of hidden files.

If it's outlook, when you open it go to File> Work offline
This should disable send/receive
Sorry, I can't help on the problem immediately.

But I do regularly have to send messages with attachments larger than 10mb, which my ISP does not allow.

I have to send these by Hotmail. It's a nuisance, as I have to wait for them to load (quite some time) before hitting the "send" button. The person who receives these files (a different ISP) is also unable to receive or transmit these files.
Property Mogul, you need to disable all the email accounts that are configured in Outlook.

By disabling all the email accounts, Outlook will not try and send anything from the Outbox, as Outlook has nowhere to send it to. So you're able to start Outlook and delete the email

For XP, click Start-Control Panel-Mail-Email Accounts-View/Change and disable the accounts ( can't tell you the exact steps right now, all I can see are Exchange-connected w/s. If you are really stuck post again and I'll fire up a POP3 w/s to give you a step by step guide )

Once you've stopped all email accounts from being processed, start Outlook and delete the offending Outbox file, then exit Outlook, go back into Control Panel - Mail, and re-enable the mail accounts.
