Feature wall

Is this your IP? I would really like to see what your PPOR would look like then?

Well, the recently finished kitchen in my PPOR has a pink wall, an orange wall and a huge lime green bench. I posted pics of it and opinions were pretty divided - people either loved it or really loathed it. At least it provoked opinions, though.
I've previously done properties in all white - Sienna Frost is a white favoured by architects and designers.
I think neutral walls draw attention to the furniture, and if the furniture isn't great that can be a problem.
The living room walls of my current PPOR are white (for now), but those walls have lots of paintings on them.
The great thing about paint is that if you change your mind, you can change the colour. It must be one of the easiest and cheapest property changes to fiddle with.

I would love to take you up on that, not for an IP but in my first home (Im not a first home looker anymore!) Do you have an email address I can send some photos too?

For anyone who is curious when the OH and I get the motivation to start renovating I will most likely start a photo based blog about it :)
Neutral is no doubt best for IP's but I couldn't stand to be one of those 'beige' people that Billy Connolly is aways going on about. I love my crazy colours at home! Flamingo pink in the lounge, bottom half of 2 storey family room orange and top half yellow, spare room yellow, another bedroom turquoise, another light blue (bit boring that one) bathroom used to be burgundy but toned down to respectable shade of pink when it peeled off! My Mexican bedroom is best with one wall of textured terracotta, 2 walls of dark blue and the wall around the window is bright green!

As for 'Artworks' Max Mannix looks good on flamingo pink and my donkeys and Mexican men in blankets and sombreros look good on my terracotta wall!

Massive job when we move on but who cares I love coming home from a hard day at the office to my cheery house!

This will be interesting indeed.

We are currently in the process of painting and will have the following feature walls:

* Red wall spanning 3 levels - will have great visual effect we hope :)
* Grey wall for entertainment wall
* Brown wall in 2 bedrooms
* All other walls and ceiling will be super white with skirting a touch darker

If it comes up looking good, I'll post some pics. If I don't post, assume the worst :)
