All of the family benefits that are available to those who don't need it.

Family Tax Benefits, Child Care Benefits/Tax Rebates, Baby Bonus, etc.

Most will say they need it or feel they deserve it, but "need" and "need to not have to make sacrifices to existing lifestyle" are very different things.

AAH! now I'm getting it.

This is the middle-class who try so hard to look like David Bransdon's life.

Don't they all have the same surname?..................Jones.

Yeah; I laugh when I see the parents turning up to the school holiday holiday-care centre to pick up the kids in their (new) BMW 4 WD.

I mean; seriously.

Our boy goes there 2 days per week - mainly so he can see a few friends from school (only child) and get away from us boring adults for a day.

How's the pattern; they all work like dogs to support the doodad lifestlye and have no time off for the kids when they would like. That's brainy.

How about; get rid of the (ultra-expensive) doodad and be able to work less and enjoy your offspring during their school holidays - take 'em on a camping trip, go someplace.
Free Money.......at what cost?

FHOG incentives IMO helped stimulate growth the economy. It has helped and might over-stimulate it if not clawed back.

Stimulus package handouts do nothing for the economy.....they buy votes and also help Harvey Norman shift stock of 42 incher's. The stimulus money should have to infrastrucutre spending requiring less debt.

Agree with BayView and his all too sensible post above. The conditioned consumers who line up to the purveyors of instant gratification are all too eager to accept any hand out they can get their mitts on.....to feed their addiction and affluencia......slaves to the toys. BTW the X 5's you allude to above Marc are also no doubt on finance.

Imperative they look rich to impress folks who they can't stand :p. They should means test the FHOG and leave private insurance alone. Libs intent to increase taxes on ciggies is a better alternative.
Its a joke alright i spoke to this young guy in an office about it , he said he got the $900 freebie, had a kid, recieved the first bonus from rudd and put his tax in and got 6k back , ha said no wonder the country is going to crap as he only earnt 25k last year,:eek:
So i told him he was crazy not to go for a new home now , because the way your going now! the government would have paid it off in two years,;)