financial independence and children

Hi all

I'm putting together a book and need some success stories to include.

If you are a mum who has achieved financial independence through business or property investing while raising children I need your story.

Please email [email protected] with a brief explanation of a chapter that you would like to contribute for consideration.

It would be a fantastic opportunity for business owners to increase their public profile.

Email me for more information.

I look forward to meeting some of you in person.

I'll have to get back to you in five years time! :eek:

Seriously it sounds like a great read and something I would definately be interested in. Keep us informed.
see me in a few more years, but have rennovated around the children (4 in total and a hubby), will be doing it again soon, and looking for that IP
Also working fulltime is a challange.
ditto - come and revisit me in 5 years time.

although i suspect i will be onto a different project by that stage. never going to retire in the oldfashioned sense!
LOL :D Anyone I can visit NOW?

I am after women who have children and are running their own businesses or building property portfolios or both.

Single mums are great :)

Married women or those in relationships that are NOT financially dependent on are man are also great.

Men are not a finanical plan ladies :rolleyes:

Anyone here building businesses or buying properties without the financial help of their partners are welcome to contact me.
Men are not a finanical plan ladies :rolleyes:

Why the look of disdain ?? I know heaps of happily married women who work with, not against, their husband and both are streaming ahead.....bit like you and Angelo !!!

Why are single mum's so great ?? I wonder if their ex would agree with you ??
Well that gave this thread some kick didn't it? :D LOL

Angelo would be proud to admit that he has a wife that wants to be with him and does not need to be with him.

He has many uses ;) but is NOT a financial plan for me. Never was!! I came into the marriage with 4 investment properties, a PhD and a research career. I certainly did not need anyone to look after me and hopefully never will.

Looking for more ladies like me, sorry Dazz you are the wrong gender ;)
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Men are not a finanical plan ladies :rolleyes:
Single mums are great

I take this to exclude all those who receive or received any monetary payments or maintenance payments from previous male partners.

And what does "without help" really mean?
That he watches TV soaps all day? Or plays the pokies?
Who says men are not a financial plan?

I keep on reminding my DH that he is worth more to me dead or divorced :lol: Preferrably dead, a LOT of money in that! ;) :lol:
Does it need to be your own business?
I went down that path, but it ended up not being so successful - in fact it was an unmitigated disaster!! I did that while my kids were in preschool.
But it did result in me getting the job I'm in now.... which has been a huge success. As a PAYE employee, I'm well and truly heading to financial independence. Although both hubby and I have good jobs... but I'm moving ahead of him in the salary stakes. My kids are now 11 and 9.
Its been a rough ride though for the past few years..... happy to tell the story if you are interested.
I think having your own business is over-rated, particularly in the quest to achieve financial success.
I hardly count ... I quit work back at the start of 2006 to start a business, which has since been seriously sidetracked by a house we bought on a whim and a baby that just kind of happened (must re-read a high school biology text sometime) so we're STILL not ready to release the damn thing.

Couldn't do it without my partner though, he does the coding, I do the artwork and design. If I can manage to pull several thousand dollars out of thin air to get this place subdivided we might actually get the $100k or so of profit out of the place and then another $100k out of the other half of the block, but in the absense of that money, we're completely, totally, stuck.

Come back to me when I have a source of Magic Funding ...
I must say I am quite happy to not fit your criteria! I am a happily married wife & Mum of 3 young children. Both hubby & I work happily in our chosen professions. We are investing in property together. We quite happily share our money. Ours is a success story in the making...just not the kind you are after!

Above Average
Well that gave this thread some kick didn't it? :D LOL

Angelo would be proud to admit that he has a wife that wants to be with him and does not need to be with him.

He has many uses ;) but is NOT a financial plan for me. Never was!! I came into the marriage with 4 investment properties, a PhD and a research career. I certainly did not need anyone to look after me and hopefully never will.

Looking for more ladies like me, sorry Dazz you are the wrong gender ;)

my wife certainly doesn't need me - she doesn't need anyone.

she chose to be a mum and bring up 3 children. she studies naturopathy in what little spare time she has andi support her in that because no-one else could possibly take better care of our kids than her. ever.

horses for courses - but just because she's classed as a "kept woman" doesn't mean she needs me or sees me as an easy financial and/or retirement plan.
LOL :D Great fun :D

Thanks for replies. No need for justifications people do what works for them.

Now what was my contigency plan if this post does not work.... Oh yeah, get proactive and get on the phone with people that I know are happy to fit the criteria... :) :p

Thanks for sharing and Thanks so much Shonnie for sending the email out about this... You Rock Girl XX