Free Coffee - West End, Brisbane

Hey all

I said in an earlier thread that I'd offer free coffees to SSers when our cafe finally re-opened - well good news, we finally re-opened on Saturday!

So here's the deal, we're currently running an external promotion where we are giving away free coffees for a week...I'd like to separately extend that offer to any local SSers...

Here's how it works...

Firstly, send me a pm with your full name (I'll confirm once received).

Following that, the promotion runs for a week from Wednesday 2 March 2011 until Tuesday 8 March 2011 and all you'll need to do is show id, confirming your full name, when you visit and you can claim up to one free regular coffee per day (excludes takeaways) - standard upgrades/extras are available.

We are called Suburban Cafe and we're at 220 Melbourne Street, West End

PM me before the offer expires if you'd like to be included =)
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i think i'd rather spend the 5 bucks then Pm'in name, then showing ID @ the shop lol.... maybe you should organise an investors meeting their or something for the local SS'ers and give them some free coffee for the first meeting and then they can have monthly meetings or whatever @ ur shop (which they would probably end up buying coffee, cakes etc)


Cheers for the feedback RH,

The request for pm & id is just to stop abuse because we offered this here separtely as well as via ozbargain -
If not for that, I would have simply said mention Somersoft with no need for other formalities :)

As for organising a SSers catchup there, I have thought of it but haven't, for the same reason as I don't organise dinners/functions there with friends - it just doesn't sit well with me - don't ask me to explain why because I don't know...
Hi Josh,

I'll be at Healthworks West End for the CAPO powerlifting comp on Sat 12th so will drop in and say g'day then if I can find you.

Good to hear you're open again!!
