Free DVD - Worth watching

Some of his numbers were a bit optimistic. I consider property to double every 10 years on average, he had it growing at 10% compounding - so a $330k property was worth something like $855k in 10 years.

jen your right, i didn't spot this at first,

if your compounding at 10%pa year on year after 10 years its over 2.5 times the original.

To double your price in 10years you would need an average compound of 7.2% or 2^(1/10) -1 * 100%

to double your house price in 7 yrs would need

2 ^ (1/7) -1 * 100% = 10.4% pa compounding
They have an event coming up in Melbourne's CBD on Friday, 21st September 2007, from 6pm on

(still receive mail from them)
(still receive mail from them)
Still get mail also. Does anyone else receive the emails containing the recorded message. I actually don't mind listening to them. They are mainly about getting the right mindset etc (just keeps on reinforcing things).

Just wondering if the 3 day event is more of a marketing exercise. I generally don't mind the seminars, I reckon if I pick up one point that I can use (or use later), it's worthwhile.
