French Doors-Handles

My friend has just had french doors put into her house and the tradie has finished up the job while she's been at work. She left a note about some of her concerns (doors not flush, flashing or silicon showing at the top) to fix in the finish off. She's come home to a 'finished' job and a note from him saying he's addressed her concerns (he has except the stuff showing at the top of the door) and that all things are fixed although there is one issue and that is that the door handle lifts up instead of down, and he said it's because she wanted the door opening out instead of inwards. She's not happy with the uplifting handle. He assumed at the beginning that she wanted inward opening doors until she corrected him. We think he's ordered a door handle for inward opening doors and has had to turn it upside down to accommodate outward opening doors instead of buying the proper handle.

We've been trying to wrap our heads around standing either side of the door and pushing down a handle and imagining the lock mechanism etc. Do you think we're right in our assumption? Would just like some confirmation before she tackles him over it. And if it's the case can a correct handle be fitted into the holes that have already been made into the doors?

Sometimes the door furniture is handed and can't be turned over, but sometimes they can be either left or right handed, and only need an adjustment on the back of the handle to swap them over.


Post a pic.... A picture says a thousand words.

No can do. It's my friends doors and she's in Canberra (I'm in Sydney). Just got off the phone from chatting with her and she's told me what happened.

Picture this :p

You're standing inside the room looking at the french doors. They open outwards (as in - you push them away from you not pull them towards you). There is only 1 handle and it's on the left leaf. Instead of pushing the handle down (then pushing open the doors) you have to pull the handle up (then push open the doors). Very unnatural/awkward movement.

Your poor friend!! No way should she accept that. He should probably replace it, but if he won't, or it's too much stress, at least she can replace the handle by buying a new left hand opening handle from Bunnings.
he has ordered the wrong handel or lock set.
Depends on what he has ordered depends on what one is wrong, it could just be a little thing in side the lock that can be changed easily if u know what ya doing, cant remember what there called lol.
Usually locks are symmetrical (proof it is up-side-down and working)

Friend of mine have had similar problem, but it was old lock, could not get correct parts, so ended up installing it up side down - this was easy part, but could not turn latch upside down inside, so he had to cut the spring latch and reposition it up-side-down again so the door stays closed when it supposed to.

If you just turn lock up-side-down, latch will spring open with the lightest breeze.

So best to get carpenter to fix it.