Gas meter price/install

Hi guys, was looking at a block of units the other day, 6 of them, free standing. 1 of them has a gas meter, the rest just a pipe with tap sealed off next to each building. Anyone have any idea what it would cost to have a gas meter fitted, will need pipe work also for a gas heater or oven. Just curious as to how much initial meter would cost. I know water maters are around $90 here in Vic, so hopefully cost is similar for gas.
Just incase anyone else was interested, Origin Energy do meter installs for free (metro I guess) as long as they're below 400MJ. Most standard houses should be <400MJ with oven, hot water and heating. You need a licensed plumber on top of this to 'commission' it and book the job with Origin.
I had a gas fitter at my place this week installing a gas bayonet. He told me if I had anymore gas appliances I would need to upgrade my meter. Same as you he told me the meter was free, however you need a gas fitter/plumber to install.

For an upgrade of the meter and associated changes to pipes I was looking at about $1500