Granny Flat on Gold Coast

Hi All,
Looking at a house with enough room in yard for a granny flat.
My daughter is renting a studio and would like to be close to me and her dog.

Any suggestions as to reliable companies who specialise in granny flats or is it cheaper to design your own and submit plans yourself and find your own builder?

I wish to build a single story 2 bed granny flat, no garage any idea of the costs for completed?
Any idea of size restrictions in QLD? or is each council different?

My other option is to extend on the existing house which doesn't allow for as much privacy. Perhaps this is a more economical option.

Any ideas most welcome
Cheers M:)
First of all, get in touch with the local council and find out what is and is not allowed. Yes, all councils have their own "rules".

The granny flat regulations are vastly different in Qld to NSW.