Hello to old friends and the new

Hi Guys

I just thought I'd say hi and that I'm still alive.:D I just wanted to give you a quick update and fill you in on where I've been and where I'm going!

In the last yr I did a few life changing things - took a few deep breaths and jumped into the unknown!
- found a man (remember those threads ;) ) got engaged then kicked him out cos he was cheating on me!
- decided that I should learn the meaning of commitment and bought a black lab puppy (named Ellis - LS - Little ****) and she lives up to her name - now she's 9mths old
- turned 30 and decided to become a bit more girly - the hard hat and boots got a bit old
- went as far as I could go with my career - made some pretty remarkable achievements and then threw in a $100k/yr job to be self employed!
- couldn't decide what to do so I took inspiration from 4 mortgage brokers on this forum and I joined Wizard in Mky - my friends/family thought that was a good fit cos I'm obssesive over wealth creation
- realised that there was a great opportunity for me with Aussie Home Loans in Mky - they didn't have any Mortgage Advisers here - so I joined Aussie last mth and I love it
- to help build my Aussie business I decided to learn business skills from a very successful company - Nutrimetics - I'm a now a senior consultant and working towards building that business as well - they have great training and I get paid for it
- found a new man (and he's younger!) whom has the same values in life as me and we're going to shack up when he gets back from holidays - he will be starting his investing career next yr!
- I have never been so busy, yet so happy and scared and poor in my life but I wouldn't change a bit. I decided to start my own business instead of buy another IP so I'm living off the funds I had squirreled away (don't tell the banks:D )

I just wanted to thank you guys for your support and to the brokers who I know here for making finance interesting and accessible over the last few yrs. I am still learning (only 6mths broking experience) but dam it's fun helping ppl to fulfill their dreams. I tell all my clients who are interested in investing to come here cos they can do what I've done.

I'll stop rambling now....

Welcome back Amanda.

By the sounds of things you've been extremely busy but looks like you are definately finding the right path for yourself. Congratulations on your achievements to date.

Hope to see you posting again, if you have the time that is :) .

Best of luck with everything.


Welcome back. I was wondering just the other day what had happened to you. Last time you posted you were moving town and still looking for a man. Wow, hasn't life changed for you since then!

Well done on the career change, and good luck with it all (and with the new boy ;) ).

Hi Ecogirl,

Well done! I love to hear about energised people like yourself. In some way it helps me off my seat and nudges me along when I get slow.

I've always wondered if it's not too prying. Is Nutrimetics MLM and have they given you any good personal development techniques?


Hi Ecogirl... I've been wondering how it was going with you. I had noticed you were not on the boards (Missed your posts too).

Thanks for the update (and what an update!) Great news all round. Love that fact that you decided to ditch the hardhat and boots to become more girly and went on to become a senior consultant with Nutrimentics! Other extreme for sure.... Love it! Congratulations on the changes and successes in all aspects of your life.

Aint love grand!

Thanks guys you're great.
Nutrimetics has helped me with personal development and business building skills. It mirrors my set up with Aussie - both commission only and mainly based on word of mouth referrals.

I'm not naturally a shy person but have never done sales before in this way - nutri teaches me a lot about human behaviour and psychology. I have also become very good at networking and now know a lot of business women in town.

I am the secretary of the local Zonta chapter and do a lot of volunteer work using both nutrimetics and education on budgeting/finance (in conjunction with a fin planner) with the local Women's Health Centre. I do free facials etc and seminars. This is all part of networking and my philosophy of giving out what you can and the universe will provide when I need it.

When I need encouragement or fresh ideas both my Zonta and Nutri friends help guide my way. I love this world we live in.

Hi Ecogirl,

I must live a very sheltered life but what's Zonta?



PS. Thanks Ruby for the link. I must really be a senior member in the Mushroom Club :)
Welcome back!!!!

Eco baby!!! ;)
Wow, so good to see you back too (man, I really do have to keep up with some of these threads, this is my second WB post in less than 5 minutes)!!

Sounds like you did some pretty amazing things in your absence!!!

Now to add the typical "girlie" comment......

Details, I want DETAILS!!!! ;)

Seriously, Welcome Back Eco, good to see you are fit, well and obviously well-made up (courtesy of nutrimetics)!!! :p ;)

Hi Amanda,

Good to hear from you, seems like you have stepped outside of some comfort zones and are enjoying life, well done!

Hi Kenny
Zonta is a service orgainisation for professional and business women - a bit like rotary i suppose but focusing on women's issues.
"Zonta International is a worldwide service organization of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women."
It keeps me busy and it's a great way to meet ppl.

Ecogirl said:
"Zonta International is a worldwide service organization of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women."
It keeps me busy and it's a great way to meet ppl.
So are you coming down to Melbourne this weekend for the Zonta International Convention Eco?

Hi Ecogirl,

Thanks for the link. Sure enough when I went to it, one of my friends was in the picture. It is such a small world.

I probably should pay more attention to what she talks about in future :)

All the best.
