Help for a computer dummy

Hi everyone,

I am hoping someone can help me...

I am looking for a computer whiz (in sydney) who can set everything up for me and provide consultancy when required.

I need to set up a server that allows for email sharing, file sharing, application sharing and goodness knows what else, and also have 3 or 4 separate "compartments" to allow for complete separation of some data/applications. I also need for people to be able to access remotely.

Please PM me with your phone number and I will call to discuss further.

Thanks in advance!
hi JoannaK
computersonline at burwood heights burwood they have four guys and work for themselves and are great
my guy is fy
and he is great.
they don't know me as grossrealisation or this site.
but are very helpfull and seting up any form of network would be easy for them.
jaffasoft coud help also send him an email.
hope this helps
Thank you very much to those who have PM'd me and provided their details or details of others. I will be sure to follow them up this week.