Hey Winston

you think that's an acceptable excuse to kill people?

Of course not.

But there are always extenuating circumstances, and you were tarring all the Yanks with the same brush. Hardly fair.

This is all pointless about now.

Let's just say that
a) the Yanks shouldn't be there,
b) they've stuffed up big time - again,
c) and neither side is totally blameless.
Maybe he's just sick of people taking pot shots at him and (unjustifiably) calling him a racist for his views...


Well as the old saying goes - if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

But Im sure you'l hear from him - he's a good bloke who cant help himself. ;)
Maybe he's just sick of people taking pot shots at him and (unjustifiably) calling him a racist for his views...


Something like that Mark.

There's too many on SS who have too much time and too little reading under their belt, to engage and expect considered and reasoned responses.

I've given up on SS for intellectual stimulation and learning for now (apart from maybe 6 members)......found some better resources in the real world.....though will occasionally drop in for a smurk....

At the end of the day, I am a free market private enterprise kind of guy....and SS is moderated with the attitude of those who have only ever worked in the public sector.
I got called a racist the other day in a round-a-bout kinda way, did you see that? Hee! I mean, I've been called a lot of things in my time, but never a racist! Now I can add that to the list.

I got called a racist the other day in a round-a-bout kinda way, did you see that? Hee! I mean, I've been called a lot of things in my time, but never a racist! Now I can add that to the list.


To some, all races are equal at all things, is held as a universal and sacred truism that no one is allowed to question.

But I'll maintain until the day I die, not all values and cultures are equal at all things. And if a race en masse, adopts or holds to a set of values or culture that is unequal in all things, then............you have inequality amongst races....

And those who deny this I have no interest in engaging, as they are ideological naives.....and history will repeat for them....
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To some, all races are equal at all things, is held as a universal and sacred truism that no one is allowed to question.

But I'll maintain until the day I die, not all values and cultures are equal at all things. And if a race en masse, adopts or holds to a set of values or culture that is unequal in all things, then............you have inequality amongst races....

And those who deny this I have no interest in engaging, as they are ideological naives.....and history will repeat for them....

I agree WW.

I love the saying; "we are all equal, but some are more equal than others".
I agree WW.

I love the saying; "we are all equal, but some are more equal than others".

Even Martin Luther King agrees, for he said he wanted to be judged by the content of his character, not the color of his skin.

But patronizing do gooder liberal progressives who deep down inside view all of some minority groups as "disadvantaged", prefer to judge Martin by the color of his skin.

I say let's throw the "all races are equal" dictate out the window and judge people by their values and the choices that leads them to make.

Doing so let me accept Barak Obama as the best Presidential candidate this year, even though I am against his politics, I respect that he is a smart guy who I believe will try and do the right thing....
Doing so let me accept Barak Obama as the best Presidential candidate this year, even though I am against his politics, I respect that he is a smart guy who I believe will try and do the right thing....

I only ever thought that he was the best candidate..... who just happened to be black.

Mind you; I did get very annoyed when it became apparent that many of the black voters voted for him because of that (his race and colour).

So; is that racism, or just bias?
To some, all races are equal at all things, is held as a universal and sacred truism that no one is allowed to question.

But I'll maintain until the day I die, not all values and cultures are equal at all things. And if a race en masse, adopts or holds to a set of values or culture that is unequal in all things, then............you have inequality amongst races....

And those who deny this I have no interest in engaging, as they are ideological naives.....and history will repeat for them....

As you would be well aware, we now live in a society so obsessed with political correctness that anyone with white skin who critiques a person with a different skin colour is automatically racist and if a man critiques women, he automatically hates women.

I actually like it when people blindly accuse me of being a misogynist or hating women (true equality for both sexes is my personal passion) when I critique women because it allows me to segregate those less intellectual from the conversation at hand and focus on discussing the issue with intelligent people.

This is why I like discussing issues with you.

I am not going to join this love in. What gets me about your posts Winston is how you blame almost every ill in society on 'liberal progressives' or 'lefties'

Even, laughably, the Somalian pirate situation not being remedied quickly enough.

The problem is mate, you measure all values by your own narrow right wing standards and perspective.

What might be of value to you (or me) could be totally worthless and meaningless to someone else. Especially material values.
I am not going to join this love in. What gets me about your posts Winston is how you blame almost every ill in society on 'liberal progressives' or 'lefties'

Even, laughably, the Somalian pirate situation not being remedied quickly enough.

The problem is mate, you measure all values by your own narrow right wing standards and perspective.

What might be of value to you (or me) could be totally worthless and meaningless to someone else. Especially material values.

The reason I am deeply weary of progressives Evan is that they often too naive to see the long term consequences of their naive but well intentioned nefarious and degenerate influence on society. I am ever on guard against the moral decay they drag society into, and thesocialism that is the end game of rationalist reductionist progressive thought.

Lefties have us apologising for existing and running around with our hands tied behind our backs wanting to consult a judge before we defend ourselves. The culmination of political correct stupidity as espoused by progressives who wish to offend no one and stand for nothing is the pirate situation. Lefties in general, are fruitloops when it comes to human history. Instead they live in a bubble of ideology.

Progressives think to stand up and take affirmative action on anything is the realm of mindless testosterone driven intellectually inferior neanderthals.

They see their inaction and apathy and preference to sit and drink latte and discuss things ad nauseum as the intellectual superior means to solve all problems. Meanwhile pirates keep pirating. just as Sudanese, Bosnians, etc etc have died everyday progressives preferred to mull over soft 'civil' solutions in the UN.

In essence, you either see the subtler problem with progressive socialist thought or you don't.

I am not a blind conservative either. I am weary of any force that wants to erode personal responsibility and freedom.

Progressives want to socialize things moreso. This has unintended circumstances like the German doctor working in Australia who was refused a residency for his down's syndrome child because of the potential burden on the public health care system.
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No need to get personal Winnie, it just exposing your true character.

I havent even baited a hook and you're biting already - not bad for someone who says one thing and does another :D

Like I said to Mark, you're really a good bloke who will be back - you just cant help yourself. ;)
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Winnie, (i like that) I think you are referring to a small percentage of lefties in your post.

Its common for people to use extreme examples to support a lame argument.

I am not going to engage you in an intellectual debate as i know i cant win. God, i'm an electrician.

I admit, you're much smarter than myself (in an academic sense) but i think you lack quite a bit of life experience and that very much informs your narrow, text book, right wing view of the world.

Oh, while i admit NSW Labor is a dead set joke, you cant tell me there has never been a dud Liberal state government. Tho its a bit better than the most embarrassing and duplicitous Fed Liberal government i have ever experienced under Howard and his ridiculous, pompous cronies.
I admit, you're much smarter than myself (in an academic sense) but i think you lack quite a bit of life experience and that very much informs your narrow, text book, right wing view of the world.

Are you making that judgement about me based on your life experience as an electrician?......thought you weren't an electrician anymore but a card carrying member of some Labor funded green quango? :p

If you think I am a text book right winger, the only text books you've been reading were written by ill intentioned radical socialists who are messing with your head.....or forming your views based on ABC television and radio social engineering.....which are one and the same thing.

The reason I am right wing on many things (and left on others) is that I respect and understand how productivity and wealth are increased. That's because I have spent most of my working life in small business, where most of Australia is employed.

Wealth creation has everything to do with self determination, self motivation, self discipline, self respect, and respect for others....and little to do with bigger government that wants to take the self out of all of the above....and replace it with more Nanny......

Hard core socialists just don't get it....They have a fundamentally flawed view on what motivates people. They don't see society as a collection of individuals with free will to follow their dreams, as long as they don't hurt anyone else. Rather, they see society as a resource that should provide the State with common wealth to be spent where the heads of State so fancy. They think the State will always make superior judgements over individuals or collections of individuals in companies or industry bodies or clubs or communities or churches.

What socialists don't get is what Swan and Rudd and NSW and Qld Labor are finding out now.....when the private sector slows down, govt gets less revenue. Go figure why it isn't the other way around....

Now I ask you to look at the US Congress, look at the US Fed and the RBA, look at Rudd and Swan, look at Howard and Costello if you must....and tell me how many of them saw sub prime coming or the credit crisis? And yet these guys and institutions would have you believe you know squat and they know everything. Well, there's a lot of people who did see this mess coming, but govt is above listening to them because they think they know better. It is pure human arrogance and petty self importance, and I have seen it time and again where naive and arrogant do gooders who think they know better get into public office, on the back of little commercial experience, then try and control where a lot of our taxes are spent. With few exceptions, they screw it up.

Then when elections come around they start promising the most gullible everything under the sun.

Until the electorate wakes up and gets an education, we'll keep getting the lowest of life in government, who promise the world and deliver an unsustainable mess. Government encourages diminished self responsibility. You see it in every level of govt. Ring a govt dept and if it doesn't involve them taking your money, you more often than not get jerked around ad infinitum.

Now that doesn't mean I think all govt is bad. But I think the less of it the better. It is like the comment I made in the FreeMason's thread. If Australia was populated by people who ascribed to a higher code of ethics and strong character, and we could all do business on a handshake, and local communities looked after the welfare of its members, we wouldn't need half the govt we have now.

But to think we are better off with more leftist idealogy, you are unfortunately ill informed about the weakness of human nature. Don't look any further than the union movement. Why is it they always end up controlled by the lowest of the low....and you would prefer more of the same at Federal level?
It is pure human arrogance and petty self importance, and I have seen it time and again where naive and arrogant do gooders who think they know better get into public office, on the back of little commercial experience, then try and control where a lot of our taxes are spent. With few exceptions, they screw it up.

Who are the exceptions?