How do you balance a washing machine??

The wife's at work and I'm doing the washing like a good husband. The @#$%^&^ washing machine keeps going out of balance and shutting off. It looks level and doesn't move when I try to wobble it so the adjustable legs must be right (?) How can I stop this? It's driving me nuts!!
Ummm.... did you try redistributing the clothes inside? :D

...of course you can always try the emergency call to your wife...


The Y-man
ROTFL, such a man thing to think...couldn't be the clothes, must be the machine. :D

Clothes need to go in one at a time and be evenly and loosly distributed around the agitator for it not to go out of balance. Sheets can be a bit tricky and often unbalance the load.
I am having the same problem. Try turning the machine off at the power point, waiting 30 seconds, then turning on again (power must be turned off) then fast forward through to the spin cycle to see if this works.
Whoops! Must have all been posting together.
I thought the same as Y Man, that you only adjusted the legs tee hee .
LynnH, a Simpson esprit 750. I didn't put the clothes in one at a time (who does that?), just picked them up in one heap and dropped (forced) them in. Surely, they sought themselves out as they swirl around in the water.
As you can see, I've got alot to learn about washing.

LynnH, a Simpson esprit 750. I didn't put the clothes in one at a time (who does that?), just picked them up in one heap and dropped (forced) them in. Surely, they sought themselves out as they swirl around in the water.
As you can see, I've got alot to learn about washing.


Uh...dude.... did you separate the whites from the coloureds and the darks from the lights? :)


The Y-man
LynnH, a Simpson esprit 750. I didn't put the clothes in one at a time (who does that?), just picked them up in one heap and dropped (forced) them in. Surely, they sought themselves out as they swirl around in the water.
As you can see, I've got alot to learn about washing.


lordy, are you in for it when the wife gets home - um, which cycle did you use? I am thinking, not heavy duty for wife's best white shirt in a bowl full of dirty black sox and jocks:eek:
Give me some credit......if course I seperated the lights and darks. That meant that I could do all the washing in 2 loads (saves time). Except of course for having to restrat the *&&() thing every few minutes. As for cycles, I don't even understand what the different cycles mean.
I didn't fix it, just persevered with restarting all the time. Weather looks ok at the moment. If it rains, can I just leave it on the line and let it dry eventually?
I'll bet there's lots of variations on how this is done.

In advance, I apologise for being so anal!

I start from the back right hand corner of the line (because I do!!) then peg shirts by the bend of the collars. T shirts by evenly distributing half one side and half the other :D, then use one or two pegs to hold. Jeans/ trousers I peg by the waist.
I also "flick" every item before I hang it. I think it makes things easier to iron and ensures a lot of stuff can just be folded without ironing.
Anal??? Listen to these instructions from my better half. All clothes must be hung inside out.. Plastic clothes pegs must match in colour! Socks and jocks go on the back of the line followed by the rest.


So is the rationale for putting the smalls at the back so the neighbours won't see?

Years ago, during winter there were times when our washing was on the line all week because of rain.
Then we stopped hanging our washing in the open and for the past 15 years hang it under cover. I got tired of the blistering summer sun wrecking and fading our expensive clothes. It also meant it was quicker getting things dry in summer.
Does your wife iron your undies and Pj's too? I have a friend who does this! I canna believe it myself! Oh dear, matching pegs.....too funny.

I think that is the logic Tizzy.