How much body corporate is reasonable?

I was wondering, is $5k+ a year a reasonable body corporate for a three bedder apartment?

Forget about the gym, pool etc, they don't get used much even if they exist as aussie apartment facilities are in the worst quality compared to asia ones.
I think that is a lot for BC fees... however I think it depends on a few different factors:

- how old is the building and what work needs to be done to it?
- how much is already in the sinking fund?
- how many units are there? If there are less units then you may find BC fees are higher (I think the sweet spot is roughly 12-16units. Any less and you need to pay more and any more units you are paying more as well).

Personally all of our places that have BC fees are roughly $2.5kp/a they don't have pool, lifts or anything like that and are 60s style brick places with 6-12units.

Just my 2cents :)
I was wondering, is $5k+ a year a reasonable body corporate for a three bedder apartment?

Forget about the gym, pool etc, they don't get used much even if they exist as aussie apartment facilities are in the worst quality compared to asia ones.

Even if they don't get used, they still need to be cleaned, maintained, etc etc.

You should be getting an annual financial report on what your $5k+ was used on. If not, get hold of it. $3k per apartment could be going to the friend of the BC manager who runs a pool cleaning company.

The Y-man