Huge mistake, please help!

I think I had been living in some sort of "disneyland" of property investing, with too much of the Aussie "she'll be right mate, attitude".
It has been one hell of a lesson!

it is also a lesson you will never, ever forget. and ultimately priceless.

if you want some more priceless lessons - do a search for some of my threads ... but, at the end of the day, attitude is everything. you can either curl up in a ball and cry "woe is me" and never make another investment decision in your life or you can do something positive about it, learn the lesson and move on to bigger and better things.

in a meeting with my accountant yesterday, he said that he was prepared to back me in any investment opportunities i could not get finance for - all because of the "can do/will succeed" plan and attitude, despite being knocked down on occasion to a point others would break ... now ... i would never take him up on the deal because i wouldn't feel comfortable doing so - but it was nice to have his vote of confidence.

get your "can do/will succeed" attitude back on track and GO GIRL!!
So in terms so certificates and approvals what did the vendor supply?

Planning permt? Building permit? Plumbing permit? Occupancy (often done separately to completion certificate)

I agree with Sailor as I mentioned previously. I would start on a fact finding mission because without that you really can't establish what your options are.
I agree with Letitha. Oldjonesy, the above remark is a disgrace. Moderators, is it possible to delete the above post and tell oldjonesy that the remark is insensitive and not suitable in this forum.
Wow, some people are really touchy....
This reminds me of the time I was on some other forum and called the statement one poster was making an oxymoron. Next thing you know some bright sparks got all indignant and accused me of calling the poster a moron :rolleyes:

I fear for the future of humanity sometimes.

Anyways, to the OP, I would be very careful about just 'putting tenants' in. The council have refused certification for a reason and you could be taking a big risk legally.
Hello Yo Yo Ma, Thanks for asking, I am going Ok.

Hello to everyone else!

I am still trying to work through my little dilemma, but following advice and trying to get as many people on board as possible.

I have been given a phone number from a friend who's sister is a bank manager (not my bank) and she would like to meet with me and discuss my options, she seems to be of the opinion that it is in my banks best interests to back me up, even if it is just letters from their solicitors.
Like she said, the council won't care if Mr and Mrs Average write them letters, they know they can beat us, but they won't want to take on a national bank.
Not everything was disclosed at settlement that should have been, but like I have said to her,I am not at all interested in getting into a legal battle of any kind, can't afford the stress or to lose.
Also same friend has a friend in our Kalgoorlie council who might have some suggestions.

I have been talking to Lizzie about it and she has been an angel sent from god! She is a very smart woman, who makes me think beyond the surface!

One development that has occured is a relative of mine wants to purchase on a vendor finance arrangement - all drawn up legally of course - as he would like to build a ppor there (has high income and not at all worried if the council will not allow tenants) - so if I did that for a 2 year period (with him covering all repayments and outgoings) I wouldn't make anything out of it, but not lose anything either - just time and stress!

What do you see as the pitfalls of this?

What sort of things do we need to consider?

If he is paying the payments and rates etc, how much do you think it will affect our serviceability to hold in this arrangement?

I know I am essentially giving away the capital gain by doing this (if there is any), but I know I can go on and do other properties, and am determined not to be beaten by this - as I said to a friend "this property has become the haemroid (sp) of my property investing, but I am determined just to see it as a minor speed bump"!
- Sorry reminded me of a gay joke!

There will be a lot of successes to look forward to.

Our solicitor has asked what finance clause we would want included - but I would of thought the bank would ask you to apply closer to settlement?
I know we purchased on 6 months settlement once and had to apply within 3 months of the settlement date, otherwise they ask you to reapply?

Otherwise we try to sell now but estimate could be losing between $10k and $40k if we are forced to sell for strictly land value only.

On a personal note I have decided to return to full-time work - I have previously managed our own as well as other peoples businesses but I have recently got my qualification as a Residential Property Manager (mum is coming to live with us to help with the 5 kids, I will work days and her nights (she needs the money also)- if we stick together and help each other we will be better off in the long run, poor hubby though having to live with MIL) so that will make life easier, than trying to survive on just one wage - Mark earns around $90k now and I should get $45k plus so not too bad.

I will let you know of any progress.

Best Wishes Angela.
Hi Angela

Just out of curiosity have you met with council to fully understand their position and your options? I would resist going straight to a adversarial position when council may take a more co-operative and sympathic response.
BTW, if it is classified as a shed cannot the property land be rented which included a home-like "storage shed" with electricity, toilet and running water, you, insurance companies and council cannot know if anyone sleeps there or not (tenants responsibility, but I would have an electrician check its safe). You are not going to get top $ but it would be both legal and bring in some desparately needed $.
Good on you, Angela. The vendor finance to a relative sounds like a win-win exit from this property. I hope the arrangement with your Mum works out for you all.