Ichthys gas project ???

hi all ive been given an opportunity to go and work on the ichthys (inpex) gas plant project for the next 5 years :)... i will have to relocate amily but will be paid to... my question is which are some areas to rent close by and which are areas to stay away from ?
Hi Wilkie,

Which company will u be working for on inpex?

Somewhere in Palmerston would be the closest place to live if you are going to be working on inpex. It's only 20 mins drive from there.

If you wanted to live in the city it's about 40 mins drive to the gas plant. However you won't be aloud to drive your own car there. They provide buses to site so getting to and from work will take longer than if you could drive direct.

I can't really say the best suburbs as I only moved here 1 month ago, I'm living in Driver in Palmerston it's not too bad , better than what I was expecting.

I'm trying to get a start on inpex at the moment with Kentz who are doing the electrical.