I'm bored. Anyone know of some interesting sites?

Hey guys,

I have no work to do today, so I'm basically just sitting here, and I'm getting sick of my regular sites. There really is only so much time you can spend on facebook, perez hilton and somersoft.

Does anyone have some more interesting sites I can check out? Humerous, informative? Whatever.. I don't mind.

Please share!
There is life after computers.
Go and do a hike in the woods, or the mountains.
Go for a workout at the gym.
Go for a bike-ride.
Read a good novel.
Go to the movies.
Some laps at the pool.
This blogger has a book deal. Female NY cabbie. Hilarious
http://newyorkhack.blogspot.com/ *

IMDB.com has daily news/quotes. I swing by in my lunchbreak. Right after I see what Koko is up to (Gorilla who knows sign language - featured in Nat Geographic). Engrish * misspelt sign of the day, good for a laugh.

Guess you wouldn't be interested in the aquarium site I belong to.

The two sites with a (*) have no nudity but may have swearing or cheekiness (not p*rn!) so are not for the under 18s that visit this site..... felt I had to say that.
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Maybe even tell your boss that you have run out of work to do and do they have something you could help out with?

Seriously, stop stealing your employers internet. :)
Read some news. See what's happening in the world.

Here's the relevent news;

Brittany is in trouble,
So is Lindsay,
Shane has another text message,
Laura Bingle did another photo op,
Nicole Ritchie has a baby,
The weather is changing,
The Golden Globes were uneventful,
The Yanks are winning in Iraq and Afganistan,
Iran is naughty and should stop.
Israel is fighting with Lebanon/Palestine/whoever...again/still.
Al Quaeda is responsible for everything.

There; paper totally read
Here's the relevent news;

Brittany is in trouble,
So is Lindsay,
Shane has another text message,
Laura Bingle did another photo op,
Nicole Ritchie has a baby,
The weather is changing,
The Golden Globes were uneventful,
The Yanks are winning in Iraq and Afganistan,
Iran is naughty and should stop.
Israel is fighting with Lebanon/Palestine/whoever...again/still.
Al Quaeda is responsible for everything.

There; paper totally read

Agree. There is rarely any news worth reading. A friend and I have thought about generating random news as a mashup of old stuff and putting it on a web page to see if anyone notices.

Agree. There is rarely any news worth reading. A friend and I have thought about generating random news as a mashup of old stuff and putting it on a web page to see if anyone notices.


Make sure you stick a celebritie's head on it somewhere and they will.
Maybe a sports star as well.
And a mobile phone ad.
And a 2 year interest free furniture deal.

Stop me.
Hey guys,

I have no work to do today, so I'm basically just sitting here, and I'm getting sick of my regular sites. There really is only so much time you can spend on facebook, perez hilton and somersoft.

Does anyone have some more interesting sites I can check out? Humerous, informative? Whatever.. I don't mind.

Please share!

I have found some material on Austrian Economics here at mises.org to be rather fascinating...

It may or may not be up your alley.
That site ends with ".com" hence is in the USA.
Your Aussie postcode doesn't have enough digits.

{I didn't click the site but that is my Sherlock attempt for the day}