I'm so over painting and my feet ache!

My brand new walls are plaster on brick . We've got to seal the plaster before we paint it. I've spent $1500 on products and painting equipment for 2 houses and secretly thinking "next time" we might just get the professionals in.

....and I haven't even got to the point of using real paint yet! I'm still using sealer. A revolting oil based headache making concoction thats hard to see when you put it on the plaster . I can't really tell where I've been so I have to touch it to test! Then it needs turps to get it off your hands. And can I just say those white overalls from Bunnings are like little sweat boxes!! I suppose I mustn't whinge too much though, I've got the cutting in brush and I'm doing inside the wardrobes and the edges. :D

One of my boys told me today I was worse than a year ten work experience kid!! He meant lazy as hell and think I know it all. Cheek of him. I'm not really complaining though. This is where my 3 "joint venture" off spring get to see what it's really like to get a house completed. The "other half" JV wasn't here for the hand over of the houses as he's working away. So just me and the kids.

So hopefully tomorrow, we complete the sealing of the walls for house number 2 and give our tiler the keys for 3 days. (2 to lay them and 1 for drying).

This part is exciting and I allowed 6 weeks to get these ready to rent. But I don't think we've given ourselves enough time at all. Realistically one or two week nights (after full work days) plus both days of the weekend are all we can manage. I think if there is a next time, we'll need to factor in extra funds and just pay some trades to finish off. :(
So here I am with my throbbing feet (one of them broken but slowly recovering), and its saturday night. I can't move a muscle but my boys have gone night clubbing!! They assure me they will be back on the job at first light.
I really think I'm getting too old for all this hard work.
When all the money starts rolling in you'll forget about how much work it was? :eek:

We had our carpenter paint our last building.He used a spray gun, but it was so much taping !!!(we did that )

We are going to repainting our PPOR in the next month or two to get it ready to rent. I am debating whether we should do it ourselves or get our carpenter again.

I know what I want to do, but we always have to figure in that money thing.
I found it was great exercise..... spent all last week painting (ok, only 3 hours a night) and lost 5% of my body weight! :D


The Y-man
Ah Tizzy. Your post brings back memories for me.

And Y-man, that is just not fair. When I paint, I eat because you HAVE to have something to look forward to like a nice bit of morning tea, and things I wouldn't normally indulge in on a "normal" day. I KNOW where your 5% of YOUR body weight goes when you paint.... right onto MY body :eek:
Kathryn I know what you mean about the temptation to save money. It always seems to be one of the first things we decide to do ourselves. I haven't got the "master" painter (my husband) here though so it didn't turn out as well as it was supposed to. My kids are great, but I thought we'd all work tonight as well but they didn't seem to want to give up various social engagements. I don't think they've quite grasped the concept of extra time means extra holding costs.

I figured we'd be doing a lot of painting so buying quality equipment was a worthwhile investment I think. Though I did find that it was a large part of my job today to clean things with turps to avoid everything ending up disposable!

At least if you are doing your own home you can do a room at a time. We do actually have to repaint our ppor sometime this year. The all over suede look in multi colours is past its use by date and I would like to see everything white and clean again.
Hi Y-Man,
See that's what my husband would do! He's work really hard and sweat a lot and be quite pleased with himself. Me I'm just sore! I think from standing on concrete all day.

I did prepare everyones lunch so that made me popular. I even offered plunge coffee.
Don't worry Tizzy. The pain of all this now will be worth it & like childbirth, you will willingly do it all over again.
And Y-man, that is just not fair. When I paint, I eat because you HAVE to have something to look forward to like a nice bit of morning tea, and things I wouldn't normally indulge in on a "normal" day. I KNOW where your 5% of YOUR body weight goes when you paint.... right onto MY body :eek:

So you guys paint together?:D

i find my legs ache from climbing up and down the ladder - but what a good ache it is :D

i also have thought about getting the pro's in, but by the time you do all the taping ...
Today was much more satisfying. We can actually see the topcoat so we know were we've been. I'm a total convert to lambswool rollers too, they are definately worth the money. I wasn't covered in spatter effect at all.
Hi all

I have finally finished painting the Renos anyway. Yippee!!

Celebrated with a nice 1 hour deep tissue massage this arvo. Bliss

I like painting, I find it relaxing... Hint wear heavy shoes whilst up the ladder ( I have a pair of ladies steel caps) - ones that do not bend on the steps, your feet and legs will love you for it.:D
Hmmmm, you know you might have something there Celeste.

I've been wearing a moonboot to support a broken foot and its pretty rigid. I added a pair of those very thick Explorer socks on my second day of painting and my feet were so much better by the end of the day. It does seem that support is really the key .....that and anti inflammatories :D
So here I am with my throbbing feet (one of them broken but slowly recovering), and its saturday night. I can't move a muscle
I really think I'm getting too old for all this hard work.

To ease my pain in feet I lay on my back with feet up for several minutes, and I try do it as soon as my feet start to throb.

As to my aches and pains I always have them after I make big effort following long period without adequate ecercise.
Good news for me is that I have to survive somehow next 3 days, and it gets better after that.

If I have access to swimming pool, I try to spend half an hour doing leasurly laps, with no pool handy I try to lay in warm bath for half an hour or so which seems to help a bit too.