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Is there anyone knowledgeable on there?

I would say there would be in several areas,maybe a good way to keep updated on taxation issues that some people miss,maybe they can convince people that sometimes can benefit from being convinced..

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Snitches get stitches!
I wouldn't want to engage them. End of the day they are a business trying to increase their "revenue".
Aaargghh....don't mention SS over there....they'll go through us like a dose of salt!

The ATO already monitor SS as part of the information and education processes. I know a few senior ATO's who comment on posts from time to time. To date I have never heard a adverse opinion on this forum. They consider it a great example of how collective groups can assist to educate and inform for little or no cost.

Nobody would admit it but I would not be surprised if ATO hasn't asked (or issued a s264 notice to) SS on at least one occasion for a list of names and emails etc for all subscribers.

I believe the ATO are learning. To listen AND to speak through social media to assist taxpayers make informed choices.
Public servants looking to increase the tax base?

You imply that avoidance is otherwise practiced ? The only way to increase the taxbase through this process is to educate.

I find SS users are very competent and smart people who are all seeking outcomes that generate wealth. In that process they seek tax compliance and to minimise taxes and not avoid taxes.
No Paul I wasn't implying anything of the sort, it was a poor attempt at sarcasm. When the ATO is looking for future Installments for one off gains from small players when large multi nationals act the way they do they are looking in the wrong places.
Hugh - That's a very pertinent point. Microsoft book all Australian product, licence etc sales in Singapore. They collect no GST. They make no AU taxable profit on this income.

Unfortunately the ATO role is to administer and enforce existing law. The law hasnt kept pace with what appears avoidance that is disguised as multinational commerce. Not just Australia either. The ATO cant change tax laws or rewrite treaties.

Royalties and withholding taxes were introduced for similar reasons. Perhaps a multinational tax is needed. One that applies a fixed rate of eg 10% to sales made into Australia. Make it 50% creditable against taxable Australian source profits tax with no ability to book losses or claim refunds. Other 50% creditable to actual GST liability with input tax credits denied. This is a concept put to G10 or some other group.

But as soon a Hockey tries to get laws through watch Shorten oppose.
International companies and cross border rules make things complex. I personally think company and income taxes should be scrapped and a higher rate of GST be applied. Applied to everything.

Compensate those less fortunate through the Centrelink system.

But can't see it happening anytime soon.