Looking for assistant for Renovating for Profit business

P.S. I have only had 4 applications so far. I think they get more at McDonalds down the road every day.

Wishing you every success,

Did you end up finding someone suitable?

One would think that with time differences per state would effect anything?
Ana, you may want to send out a tweet on your account, I have links to a few virtual assistants in Melb who follow me, so happy to RT for you.

You may find $20/hr a little light on though for a professional service. I have a uni student who helps us all out in the office 1 day a week, but he at 18 yrs old just scans and shreds, lifts heavy things, changes light globes ( funny that I do all that myself for the renos but not in the office) no phones or thinking required.

All the best with the search.

Thank you to everyone who replied, got in touch and also sent through your details. I have found someone to fill the role.

Wishing you every success,
