Looking for property management software

Hi All

I am interested in managing my own CIP's and also my USA portfolio.

Surprisingly the USA properties and our Aust CIP have very similar software requirements.

As such I need some personal reference for software that is likely to meet the requirements. Needs to be some sort of debit and credit system. The ability to show the tenants ledger. Handle split payments. Ad hoc debits for additional charges.

Katheryn and Bob what are you guys using? Daz and co what are you guys using?

Thanks DJ but having a quick look they are standard RE packages which only cater to one side of my transaction.

Just to expand further on my requirements.

The Aust CIP's fairly straight forward. I will invoice the tenant they will (hopefully) pay and all money is mine.

The USA properties. I actually employ a RE over there. The thing I am finding is that they are hopeless at indicating whether tenant is actually up to date, payed in full etc.

For instance I have current situation that tenant short payed Oct but paid Nov:confused: Instead of the RE just part applying Nov payment to Oct it's been reported as a Nov payment yet Oct is still outstanding.

So for the US property I need to have both RE type software which is invoice tenant get payment from tenant. Then further I need to process deductions from the rent such as commissions charged, repairs and any other expenses. This would then need to arrive and a banked amount that I can reconcile.

Monthly I want to see a report that shows properties - rent billed and rent paid, unders and overs. Expenses against properties and banked amount. Remember that the under and overs relate to the tenants rent not the subsequent expenses.

Then by property I want to be able to see the tenant ledger debit / credit which should allow me to see the actual financial situation for the property.

By company I want to see the banked transactions.

Just trying to get my criteria together.
