Making ammendment to past year's tax return - HOW?

Is there a form we have to fill in if need to make ammendment to 2004 tax return?

My friend just got a revised PAYG statement from his employer saying due to a mistake in the past, he is now able to claim $1900 in tax back. Wow!

So he is asking me how he can go about it. (He doesnt have an accountant, because no IP).

One doesn't need to have an IP to have an accountant!

If your friend doesn't know how to go about amending his past tax return, may I suggest that he sees a qualified accountant - last time I had this done (about 2 years ago) it cost me $75 or $80. And you never know what other mistakes the accountant may be able to pick up! :)

I just had ammendments done on my 03, 04, 05 and 06 tax returns, as my old accountant was missing numerous deductions on my properties. Got my new accountant to do it though, as it was too complicated for me. I will be getting a cheque for $8000, so it was worth doing.