Melbourne - February Meeting......Speaker DaleGG

Thank you to all who attended to make tonight a great event.

... and of course a special thanks to Dale for his presentation and his time. I know he had to deal with quite a queue of people, after the formal part of the evening, who were keen to seek more knowledge from him.


The Y-man
thanks for organasing a great evening.

Special thanks to Dale who came out of 'his cage" to make a moemorable evening. It is always great to have the privilege to listen to very successful people.
Thanks to all - especially Dale and Y-Man for a really great evening. It was terrific to hear Dale before he hibernates to his cave in what is it Dale? 2 years and 5 months !!!!!!! :D

The networking both at the meeting and at the Tower afterwards is an added bonus of these meetings

Suggestion for next meeting...

Hey guys, at the last minute just before the meeting I thought wouldn’t it be great to have some ‘Hi, my name is <first name> (<somersoft username>)’ stickers for everyone at the front door.

It’s just a little too nerdy for me (or rather I just don’t have the confidence) to go around the room and ask everyone ‘Hey, are you Chunky_lover_63 ? I really like your posts!’.

(Of course these tags could be ditched if we ever go into a public area).
Great night!

Another informative night.....a big thank-you to Dale!
looking forward to delving into the CD.
Thanks for organising the night Y-Man

Great to meet up with old and meet some new friends at the Tower.
Hope the soup stays down better than that fish Gerd.

domcc1 said:
Suggestion for next meeting...

Hey guys, at the last minute just before the meeting I thought wouldn’t it be great to have some ‘Hi, my name is <first name> (<somersoft username>)’ stickers for everyone at the front door.

It’s just a little too nerdy for me (or rather I just don’t have the confidence) to go around the room and ask everyone ‘Hey, are you Chunky_lover_63 ? I really like your posts!’.

(Of course these tags could be ditched if we ever go into a public area).

Hey Domcc1, My wife and I and relatively newcomers to the group, and you'll find none of them bite (not yet anyway).
Other than the talks, its very informal and it's always relaxed. It does seem a bit intimidating at first but you'll soon get to faces as you attend more meetings.

catch you next month,
First of all thank you very much to the Y-man (for taking the time and effort to organise this) & to Dale (to explain how easily we can lose sight of our goals). I have had a chance to go through Dale's CD and briefly "It's brillant", as I believe it's a great tool as I'm starting my journey. Although it was my first meeting thanks to everyone there it felt a lot more relaxing than I imagined. Looking forward to the next meeting.
