Monopoly champ makes millions - TT

Hiya Danny :)

I'll bite.

Something this article fails to mention...

Timothy Hawes was a Henry Kaye consultant.. dont know where the postie bit came from... He has also claimed to be both a bus driver and a social worker in his past incarnations... (if Im wrong Tim please correct me)

Congratulations to Tim on succeeding in property.. perhaps he has some words of encouragement to the people he signed up to 3 year contracts with Henry Kaye, then disappeared just when they needed to speak to him?

I personally attended a Henry Kaye seminar (free teaser) where, afterwards, Tim offered to sign me up for 3 years and make me financially free forever... he personally told me he had bought 5 houses in the past 6 months...

After I walked from the meeting, I found out he himself had only done the Henry Kaye course himself 3 months earlier, and had been instructed to tell clients "whatever they needed to hear..."

Believe what you will from media reports.... Tim, if you read this, a few friends of mine have a few things they'd like to chat to you about...

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There are people playing the real life monopoly game. They are buying places on old kent road, pall mall etc.

Ever since I found that out, I developed a new goal. I want to play too!

Maybe I'll start with the Australian one first... mel, here I come :)

If this guy is still out there,its quite likely that he is still making
suggested real estate investment forecasts, and if he is the guy im thinking
of ,why not tell your friends to tell him in a legal way,That his projections
and false assumptions dont work,5 houses if this was me,i would not stop till he
back in the gutter he came from..
Good luck