My computer screen has had a tantrum.... Help???

My son unplugged my flat screen from my computer tower to plug into his laptop and it worked as it should. When he unplugged it from the laptop and plugged it back in to the tower, my screen print size is skinny and hard to read. I am used to it after a week, but really want to get it back to normal.

The colours are also weird on photos. Red looks black. Everything is just "not quite right".

We have fiddled with the controls on the flat screen itself but nothing seems to work.

Is there anyone out there who may know how to get my screen looking "normal" again?
Tried switching everything off and then on again?

Obvious, but many don't switch off computers nowadays. Our techies at work won't even consider a problem unless we have tried the old "switch off and on again" to see if that helps.
Thanks for those tips. I have tried those things and still my colours are "wrong" and my print, while easy to read, makes me squint as it is "skinnier" than normal.

I will keep fiddling. I turn the computer off at night, and my son unplugged the screen and plugged it in again, to no avail.

Computers are fantastic when they do what you want them to do, but PITA when they don't :(.

Any other ideas?
or try this troubleshooting approach.

if you have another flat screen (S2) in the house, plug it into your computer.

and plug your original screen (S1) into the other computer.

tell me what results you get.

get your manual for the screen out.....and/or just tell us what model it is.
No other flat screens in the house :(.

It is a Samsung SyncMaster 910v.

I will get the boys to have another try later, though they have both had a look at it. Maybe I will just get used to this crappy screen :(. I have already forgotten how the print looked a week ago.
Hi Wylie,

If you don't have a user manual go to this web site, download it and try resetting it to factory default settings.

You can also change the display settings for the monitor from the control panel
eg Control Panel>Display>Settings Tab and change the screen resolution.

Hope this helps

I'm assuming you are using a VGA cable.
Make sure none of the pins of the VGA plug are bent and that the plugs at both ends of the cable are plugged in properly and are secure.

Failing that, and from what you are saying it seems to me that the monitor changed it's resolution to suit the laptop and for some strange reason it isn't changing back.

I'd plug in the laptop again, change the resolution of the laptop to what your computer is set, make sure the monitor has updated to the new screen settings and then unplug the screen and plug it into your PC.

Another option would be to go to the device settings under
and under MONITORS delete the entries and then restart your computer.
Once the computer starts up it will look for a monitor and will add the appropriate drivers.
Thank you Steve and Bill (and the others who have responded). I have fiddled with the settings in the Control Panel and can change the screen to really big print and other changes, but it doesn't return to my original settings.

I will have one of my sons try both these suggestions and report back. They seem much more attuned to being able to press buttons without holding their breath like I do :p. I always think something really, really bad could happen :D.
Hi Wylie,

The key with computers is to know what is "normal" (i.e. in this case to know what the original video settings were). Not much help in this instance I realise, and I am not trying to be a smart a..e here, but something to keep in mind for next time.

Also, I have a rule that if someone is going to tinker with a system, then they must know how to restore the settings back to the original configuration. In this instance your boys have broken this golden rule ... again something to keep in mind for the future ... if they can't fix it - then don't fiddle.

The recommended maximum resolution for your monitor is 1280 x 1024. What resolution is the monitor set to at present?

You can try a different resolution, try a different dpi setting on the general tab to make text larger or smaller and try a different refresh rate on the monitor tab in advanced settings.

So did you unplug the monitor cable and check to see if any of the pins are bent/flattened?
Make sure the monitor was plugged back into the same socket on the tower, your pc may have an onboard graphics port as well as a installed pci or vga card. Just see if there is more then one place to plug the monitor into on the back of your pc and try the other one.
Thank you for all the suggestions. I have actually spent a fair bit of today driving various family members around town and it is only now my sons are home. I will get them to try these suggestions to see if they can get it back working and report back.

Many, many thanks for the suggestions.
she only says they've fiddled with the monitor controls, so worth a shot

if that fails - reset to factory defaults from menu and then hit auto.
she only says they've fiddled with the monitor controls, so worth a shot

if that fails - reset to factory defaults from menu and then hit auto.

It's moments like these, that Wylie would benefit from getting on voice chat to guide her through a troubleshooting algorithm.

I wonder if Jelsoft have an option to switch threads to some form of one on one (or group) live chat....